enable GC by default

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get GC to the point where it can be enabled by default


Id: 59017086c53487ae17f8c2b64c924a3344b940ca
Type: feature
Creation time: 2010-07-09 22:16 GMT
Creator: John Meacham <john@...>
Release: 0.8.0 (unreleased)
Component: be
Status: unstarted

Issue log

2010-07-31 09:13 GMT John Meacham <john@...> assigned to release 0.8.0 from 0.7.6
2010-07-22 02:20 GMT John Meacham <john@...> assigned to release 0.7.6 from 0.7.5
2010-07-09 22:16 GMT John Meacham <john@...> created