
Building Projects With make

Using make to build projects with jhc is straightforward, simply add a line like the following in your Makefile

% : %.hs
        jhc -v $< -o $@

If you wish jhc to automatically generate dependency information, you can do the following

% : %.hs
        jhc --deps depend.make -v $< -o $@

-include depend.make

%.hl : %.cabal
        jhc -v --build-hl $< -o $@


Usage: jhc [OPTION...] Main.hs
  -V              --version              print version info and exit
                  --version-context      print version context info and exit
                  --help                 print help information and exit
                  --config               show a variety of config info
  -v              --verbose              chatty output on stderr
  -z                                     Increase verbosity of statistics
  -d [no-]flag                           dump specified data during compilation
  -f [no-]flag                           set or clear compilation options
  -o FILE         --output=FILE          output to FILE
  -i DIR          --include=DIR          where to look for source files
  -I DIR                                 add to preprocessor include path
  -D NAME=VALUE                          add new definitions to set in preprocessor
                  --optc=option          extra options to pass to c compiler
                  --progc=gcc            c compiler to use
                  --arg=arg              arguments to pass interpreted program
  -N              --noprelude            no implicit prelude
  -C                                     Typecheck, compile ho and grin.
  -c                                     Typecheck and compile ho.
                  --interpret            interpret.
  -k              --keepgoing            keep going on errors.
                  --width=COLUMNS        width of screen for debugging output.
                  --main=Main.main       main entry point.
  -m arch         --arch=arch            target architecture.
                  --entry=<expr>         main entry point, showable expression.
  -e <statement>                         run given statement as if on jhci prompt
                  --debug                debugging
                  --show-ho=file.ho      Show ho file
                  --noauto               Don't automatically load base and haskell98 packages
  -p file.hl                             Load given haskell library .hl file
  -L path                                Look for haskell libraries in the given directory.
                  --build-hl=file.cabal  Build hakell library from given library description file
                  --interactive          run interactivly
                  --ignore-ho            Ignore existing haskell object files
                  --nowrite-ho           Do not write new haskell object files
                  --no-ho                same as --ignore-ho and --nowrite-ho
                  --ho-cache=HOCACHEDIR  Use a global ho cache located at the argument
                  --ho-dir=<dir>         Where to place and look for ho files
                  --dependency           Follow import dependencies only then quit
                  --no-follow-deps       Don't follow depencies not listed on command line.
                  --list-libraries       List of installed libraries.

valid -d arguments: 'help' for more info
    all-dcons, all-kind, all-types, aspats, bindgroups, boxy-steps, class, class-summary, core
    core-afterlift, core-beforelift, core-initial, core-mangled, core-mini, core-pass, core-steps
    datatable, dcons, decls, defs, derived, e-alias, e-info, e-size, e-verbose, eval, exports, grin
    grin-graph, grin-initial, grin-normalized, grin-pass, grin-posteval, grin-preeval, grin-steps
    html, imports, instance, kind, kind-steps, optimization-stats, parsed, preprocessed, program
    progress, renamed, rules, rules-spec, scc-modules, sigenv, square-stats, srcsigs, stats, steps
    tags, the, types, tyvar, verbose, veryverbose

valid -f arguments: 'help' for more info
    boehm, controlled, cpp, cpr, debug, default, defaulting, ffi, float-in, global-optimize
    inline-pragmas, jgc, lint, m4, monomorphism-restriction, negate, profile, raw, rules, strictness
    type-analysis, unboxed-tuples, unboxed-values, via-ghc, wrapper

Code Options

Various options affecting how jhc interprets and compiles code can be controlled with the '-f' flag, the following options are availible, you can negate any particular one by prepending 'no-' to it.

Code options
cpppass haskell source through c preprocessor
ffisupport foreign function declarations
m4pass haskell source through m4 preprocessor
unboxed-tuplesallow unboxed tuple syntax to be recognized
unboxed-valuesallow unboxed value syntax
defaultingperform defaulting of ambiguous types
monomorphism-restrictionenforce monomorphism restriction
lintperform lots of extra type checks
Optimization Options
cprdo CPR analysis
float-inperform float inward transform
global-optimizeperform whole program E optimization
inline-pragmasuse inline pragmas
rulesuse rules
strictnessperform strictness analysis
type-analysisperhaps a basic points-to analysis on types right after method generation
Code Generation
boehmuse Boehm garbage collector
debugenable debugging code in generated executable
full-intextend Int and Word to 32 bits on a 32 bit machine (rather than 30)
jgcuse the jgc garbage collector
profileenable profiling code in generated executable
rawjust evaluate main to WHNF and nothing else.
via-ghccompile via ghc
wrapperwrap main in exception handler
Default settings
defaultinline-pragmas rules wrapper float-in strictness defaulting type-analysis monomorphism-restriction boxy eval-optimize global-optimize

Dumping Debugging Information

You can have jhc print out a variety of things while running as Controlled by the '-d' flag. The following is a list of possible parameters you can pass to '-d'.

Front End
defsShow all defined names in a module
derivedshow generated derived instances
exportsshow which names are exported from each module
importsshow in scope names for each module
parsedparsed code
preprocessedcode after preprocessing/deliting
renamedcode after uniqueness renaming
scc-modulesshow strongly connected modules in dependency order
Type Checker
all-dconsshow unified data constructor table
all-kindshow unified kind table after everything has been typechecked
all-typesshow unified type table, after everything has been typechecked
aspatsshow as patterns
bindgroupsshow bindgroups
boxy-stepsshow step by step what the type inferencer is doing
classdetailed information on each class
class-summarysummary of all classes
dconsdata constructors
declsprocessed declarations
instanceshow instances
kindshow results of kind inference for each module
kind-stepsshow steps of kind inference
programimpl expls, the whole shebang.
sigenvinitial signature environment
srcsigsprocessed signatures from source code
typesdisplay unified type table containing all defined names
tyvarshow original tyvars rather than renaming them.
Intermediate code
coreshow intermediate core code
core-afterliftshow final core before writing ho file
core-beforeliftshow core before lambda lifting
core-initialshow core right after E.FromHs conversion
core-mangledde-typed core right before it is converted to grin
core-minishow details even when optimizing individual functions
core-passshow each iteration of code while transforming
core-stepsshow what happens in each pass
datatableshow data table of constructors
e-aliasshow expanded aliases
e-infoshow info tags on all bound variables
e-sizeprint the size of E after each pass
e-verboseprint very verbose version of E code always
optimization-statsshow combined stats of optimization passes
rulesshow all user rules and catalysts
rules-specshow specialization rules
Grin code
evalshow detailed eval inlining info
grinshow final grin code
grin-graphprint dot file of final grin code to
grin-initialgrin right after conversion from core
grin-normalizedgrin right after first normalization
grin-passshow each iteration of code while transforming
grin-postevalshow grin code just before eval/apply inlining
grin-preevalshow grin code just before eval/apply inlining
grin-stepsshow what happens in each transformation
stepsshow interpreter go
tagslist of all tags and their types
htmluse html escape codes in output
progressshow basic progress indicators
square-statsuse square corners rather than curved ones, for compatibility
statsshow extra information about stuff
veryverboseprogress stats


Function Properties

These must appear in the same file as the definition of a function. To apply one to a instance or class method, you must place it in the where clause of the instance or class declaration.

NOINLINE : Do not inline the given function during core transformations. The function may be inlined during grin transformations.

INLINE : Inline this function whenever possible

SUPERINLINE : Always inline no matter what, even if it means making a local copy of the functions body.

NOETA : When applied to a class method, do not perform eta expansion up to the number of arguments specified by the type.


RULES : rewrite rules. These have the same syntax and behave like GHC's rewrite rules, except 'phase' information is not allowed.

SPECIALIZE : create a version of a function that is specialized for a given type

SUPERSPECIALIZE : has the same effect as SPECIALIZE, but also places a run-time check in the generic version of the function to determine whether to call the specialized version.

Header Pragmas

These pragmas are only valid in the 'head' of a file, meaning they must come before the initial 'module' definition and in the first 4096 bytes of the file and must be preceded by and contain only characters in the ASCII character set.

NOPRELUDE : do not load the 'Prelude' automatically. equivalent to passing --noprelude on the command line.

OPTIONS_JHC : Specify extra options to use when processing this file. The options available are equivalent to the command line options, though, not all may have meaning when applied to a single file.

LANGUAGE : Specify various language options


Top Level Actions

Jhc supports monadic actions declared at the top level of your module. These can be used to do things such as initialize IORefs or allocate static data. An example of a top level action is the following.

import Jhc.ACIO
import Data.IORef

ref <- newIORefAC 0

count = do
    modifyIORef ref (1 +)
    readIORef ref >>= print

main = do

Which will print 1, 2, and 3. A special monad ACIO (which stands for Affine Central IO) is provided to restrict what may take place in top level actions. Basically, top level actions can only consist of IO that can be omitted or reordered without changing the meaning of a program. In practice, this means that it does not matter whether such actions are all performed at the beginning or are only computed once on demand.

If you need to use arbitrary IO, a utility function 'runOnce' is provided. using it you can ensure arbitrary IO actions are run only once and the return values shared, however you must access the value inside the IO monad, thus ensuring program integrity. An example using a hypothetical GUI library is below.

import Jhc.ACIO

getWindow <- runOnce $ do
    connection <- newGUIConnection
    window <- createWindow (640,480)
    setTitle window "My Global Window"
    return window

main = do
    w <- getWindow
    draw w "Hello!"

Note, top level global variables can be indicative of design issues. In general, they should only be used when necessary to interface with an external library, opaque uses inside a library where the shared state can not be externally observed, or inside your Main program as design dictates.

Unboxed Values

Unboxed values in jhc are specified in a similar fashion to GHC however the lexical syntax is not changed to allow # in identifiers. # is still used in the syntax for various unboxed constructs, but normal Haskell rules apply to other Haskell values. The convention is to suffix such types with '_' to indicate their status as unboxed.

Unboxed Tuples

Jhc supports unboxed tuples with the same syntax as GHC, (# 2, 4 #) is an unboxed tuple of two numbers. Unboxed tuples are enabled with -funboxed-tuples

Unboxed Strings

Unboxed strings are enabled with the -funboxed-values flag. They are specified like a normal string but have a '#' at the end. Unboxed strings have types 'Addr_' which is as synonym for 'BitsPtr'

Unboxed Numbers

Unboxed numbers are enabled with the -funboxed-values flag. They are postpended with a '#' such as in 3# or 4#. Jhc supports a limited form of type inference for unboxed numbers, if the type is fully specified by the environment and it is a suitable unboxed numeric type then that type is used. Otherwise it defaults to Int__.


Differences from Haskell 98

Language Differences

Library Changes

In addition to a larger set of base libraries roughly modeled on GHC's base. Jhc provides a number of extensions/minor modifications to the standard libraries. These are designed to be mostly backwards compatible and most are to the class system.

Library Additions

There are many other additional libraries provided with jhc, here I list only changes that affect modules that are defined by the haskell 98 or FFI specifications.

Notable Differences from GHC

Jhc differs from GHC in certain ways that are allowed by Haskell 98, but might come as a surprise to some.

Differences That are Considered Misfeatures

These misfeatures will be fixed at some point.


The Run Time System

Jhc is very minimalist in that it does not have a precompiled run time system, but rather generates what is needed as part of the compilation process. However, we call whatever conventions and binary layouts used in the generated executable the run time system. Since jhc generates the code anew each time, it can build a different 'run time' based on compiler options, trading things like the garbage collector as needed or changing the closure layout when we know we have done full program optimization. This describes the 'native' layout upon which other conventions are layered.

A basic value in jhc is represented by a 'smart pointer' of c type sptr_t. a smart pointer is the size of a native pointer, but can take on different roles depending on a pair of tag bits.

smart pointers take on a general form as follows:

|    payload        | GL|

  G - if set, then the garbage collector should not treat value as a pointer to be followed
  L - lazy, this bit being set means the value is not in WHNF

A raw sptr_t on its own in the wild can only take on one of the following values:

|    raw value      | 10|

|    whnf location  | 00|

|   lazy location   | 01|

A raw value can be anything and not necessarily a pointer in general, a WHNF location is a pointer to some value in WHNF. The system places no restrictions on what is actually pointed to by a WHNF pointer, however the garbage collector in use may. In general, the back end is free to choose what to place in the raw value field or in what a WHNF points to with complete freedom. If an implementation sees the L bit is clear, it can pass on the smart pointer without examining it knowing the value is in WHNF.

A lazy location points to a potential closure or an indirection to a WHNF value. The lazy location is an allocated chunk of memory that is at least one pointer long. the very first location in a closure must be one of the following.

| raw value or whnf  |X0|

An evaluated value, interpreted exactly as above. one can always replace any occurance of a lazy location with an evaluated indirecton.

|    code pointer   | 11|
|     data ...          |

This is something to evaluate, code pointer is a pointer to a function that takes the memory location as its only argument, the called function is in charge of updating the location if needed.

note that it is invalid to have a lazy location point to another lazy location. there is only ever one level of indirection allowed, and only from lazy locations

note that a partial application is just like any other value in WHNF as far as the above is concered. It happens to possibly contain a code pointer.

Jhc core normalized forms

Jhc core has a number of 'normalized forms' in which certain invarients are met. many routines expect code to be in a certain form, and guarentee theier output is also in a given form. The type system also can change with each form by adding/removing terms from the PTS axioms and rules.

normalized form alpha : There are basically no restrictions other than the code is typesafe, but certain constructs that are checked by the type checker are okay when they wouldn't otherwise be. In particular, 'newtype' casts still exist at the data level. 'enum' scrutinizations are creations may be in terms of the virtual constructors rather than the internal representations. let may bind unboxed values, which is normaly not allowed.

normalized form beta : This is like alpha except all data type constructors and case scrutinizations are in their final form. As in, newtype coercions are removed, Enums are desugared etc. also, 'let' bindings of unboxed values are translated to the appropriate 'case' statements. The output of E.FromHs is in this form.

normalized form blue : This is the form that most routines work on.

normalized form larry : post lambda-lifting

normalized form mangled : All polymorphism has been replaced with subtyping

Jhc Core Type System

Jhc's core is based on a pure type system. A pure type system (also called a PTS) is actually a parameterized set of type systems. Jhc's version is described by the following.

Sorts  = (*,!,**,#,(#),##)
Axioms = (*::**,#::##,(#)::##,!::**)

*   is the sort of boxed values
!   is the sort of boxed strict values
**  is the supersort of all boxed value
#   is the sort of unboxed values
(#) is the sort of unboxed tuples
##  is the supersort of all unboxed values

in addition there exist user defined kinds, which are always of supersort ##

The following Rules table shows what sort of abstractions are allowed, a rule of the form (A,B,C) means you can have functions of things of sort A to things of sort B and the result is something of sort C. Function in this context subsumes both term and type level abstractions. Notice that functions are always boxed, but may be strict if they take an unboxed tuple as an argument. (TODO: explain strict in this context) These type system rules apply to lambda abstractions. it is possible to inherit values from the environment that would not be typable via lambda abstractions. for instance, although a data constructor may have a functional type, it was not created via a lambda abstraction so these rules do not apply.

as a shortcut we will use *# to mean either * or # and so forth
so (*#,*#,*) means (*,*,*) (#,*,*) (*,#,*) (#,#,*)

Rules =
   (*#!,*#!,*)  -- functions from values to values are boxed and lazy
   (*#!,(#),*)  -- functions from values to unboxed tuples are boxed and lazy
   ((#),*#!,!)  -- functions from unboxed tuples to values are boxed and strict
   ((#),(#),!)  -- functions from unboxed tuples to unboxed tuples are boxed and strict
   (**,*,*)     -- may have a function from an unboxed type to a value
   (**,**,**)  -- we have functions from types to types
   (**,##,##)  -- Array__ a :: #

The defining feature of boxed values is

_|_ :: t iff t::*

This PTS is functional but not injective