module Rules.Generic(rules) where -- import StandardRules import RuleUtils import List(intersperse) rules :: [RuleDef] rules = [ ("ATermConvertible", atermfn, "Representation", "encode terms in the ATerm format", Nothing), ("Typeable", typeablefn, "General", "derive Typeable for Dynamic", Nothing), ("Term", dyntermfn, "Generics","Strafunski representation via Dynamic", Nothing), ("HFoldable", hfoldfn, "Generics", "Strafunski hfoldr", Nothing), ("Observable", observablefn, "Debugging", "HOOD observable", Nothing) ] -- useful helper things addPrime doc = doc <> (text "'") ppCons cv c = mkpattern (constructor c) (types c) cv namesupply = [text [x,y] | x <- ['a' .. 'z'], y <- ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z']] mknss [] _ = [] mknss (c:cs) ns = let (thisns,rest) = splitAt (length (types c)) ns in thisns: mknss cs rest mkpattern :: Constructor -> [a] -> [Doc] -> Doc mkpattern c l ns = if null l then text c else parens (hsep (text c : take (length l) ns)) instanceheader cls dat = let fv = vars dat tycon = name dat ctx = map (\v-> text cls <+> text v) parenSpace = parens . hcat . sepWith space in hsep [ text "instance" , opt fv (\v -> parenList (ctx v) <+> text "=>") , text cls , opt1 (texts (tycon: fv)) parenSpace id , text "where" ] doublequote str = "\""++str++"\"" mkList :: [Doc] -> Doc mkList xs = text "[" <> hcat (punctuate comma xs) <> text "]" typeablefn :: Data -> Doc typeablefn dat = tcname <+> equals <+> text "mkTyCon" <+> text (doublequote $ name dat) $$ instanceheader "Typeable" dat $$ block ( [ text "typeOf x = mkTyConApp" <+> tcname <+> text "[" <+> hcat (sepWith comma (map getV' (vars dat))) <+> text "]" $$ wheres ]) where tcname = text ("_tc_" ++ (name dat) ++ "Tc") wheres = where_decls (map getV (vars dat)) tpe = text (name dat) <+> hcat (sepWith space (map text (vars dat))) getV' var = text "typeOf" <+> parens (text "get" <> text var <+> text "x") getV var = text "get" <> text var <+> text "::" <+> tpe <+> text "->" <+> text var $$ text "get" <> text var <+> equals <+> text "undefined" where_decls [] = empty where_decls ds = text " where" $$ block ds dyntermfn :: Data -> Doc dyntermfn dat = instanceheader "Term" dat $$ block [ text "explode (x::"<>a<>text ") = TermRep (toDyn x, f x, g x) where", block ( zipWith f cvs cs ++ zipWith g cvs cs )] where f cv c = text "f" <+> ppCons cv c <+> equals <+> mkList (map (text "explode" <+>) $ vrs c cv) g cv c = text "g" <+> ppCons underscores c <+> text "xs" <+> -- text "|" <+> mkList (vrs c cv) <+> text "<- TermRep.fArgs xs" <+> equals <+> text "toDyn" <+> parens (parens (text (constructor c) <+> hsep (map h (vrs c cv))) <> text "::a" ) equals <+> text "case TermRep.fArgs xs of" <+> mkList (vrs c cv) <+> text "->" <+> text "toDyn" <+> parens (parens (text (constructor c) <+> hsep (map h (vrs c cv))) <> text "::"<>a<>text "" ) <> text " ; _ -> error \"Term explosion error.\"" h n = parens $ text "TermRep.fDyn" <+> n cvs = mknss cs namesupply cs = body dat vrs c cv = take (length (types c)) cv underscores = repeat $ text "_" a = text (name dat) <+> hcat (sepWith space (map text (vars dat))) -- begin observable observablefn :: Data -> Doc observablefn dat = let cs = body dat cvs = mknss cs namesupply in instanceheader "Observable" dat $$ block (zipWith observefn cvs cs) observefn cv c = text "observer" <+> ppCons cv c <+> text "= send" <+> text (doublequote (constructor c)) <+> parens (text "return" <+> text (constructor c) <+> hsep (map f (take (length (types c)) cv))) where f n = text "<<" <+> n -- begin of ATermConvertible derivation -- Author: atermfn dat = instanceSkeleton "ATermConvertible" [ (makeToATerm (name dat),defaultToATerm) , (makeFromATerm (name dat),defaultFromATerm (name dat)) ] dat makeToATerm name body = let cvs = head (mknss [body] namesupply) in text "toATerm" <+> ppCons cvs body <+> text "=" <+> text "(AAppl" <+> text (doublequote (constructor body)) <+> text "[" <+> hcat (intersperse (text ",") (map childToATerm cvs)) <+> text "])" defaultToATerm = empty childToATerm v = text "toATerm" <+> v makeFromATerm name body = let cvs = head (mknss [body] namesupply) in text "fromATerm" <+> text "(AAppl" <+> text (doublequote (constructor body)) <+> text "[" <+> hcat (intersperse (text ",") cvs) <+> text "])" <+> text "=" <+> text "let" <+> vcat (map childFromATerm cvs) <+> text "in" <+> ppCons (map addPrime cvs) body defaultFromATerm name = hsep $ texts ["fromATerm", "u", "=", "fromATermError", (doublequote name), "u"] childFromATerm v = (addPrime v) <+> text "=" <+> text "fromATerm" <+> v -- end of ATermConvertible derivation -- begin of HFoldable derivation -- Author: Joost Visser and Ralf Laemmel hfoldfn dat = instanceSkeleton "HFoldable" [ (make_hfoldr (name dat), default_hfoldr), (make_conof (name dat), default_conof) ] dat make_hfoldr name body = let cvs = head (mknss [body] namesupply) in text "hfoldr'" <+> text "alg" <+> ppCons cvs body <+> text "=" <+> foldl (\rest var -> text "hcons alg" <+> var <+> parens rest) (text "hnil alg" <+> text (constructor body)) cvs default_hfoldr = empty make_conof name body = let cvs = head (mknss [body] namesupply) in text "conOf" <+> ppCons cvs body <+> text "=" <+> text (doublequote (constructor body)) default_conof = empty