module Gale.KeyCache( dumpKey, KeyCache, newKeyCache, getKey, getPKey, parseKey, keyIsPubKey, keyIsPrivKey, keyIsPublic, putKey, noKey, numberKeys, keyRequestPuff ) where import Atom import Bits import Char import Control.Concurrent import Directory import EIO import ErrorLog import Gale.Proto(decodeTime, decodeFrags, xdrReadUInt, getGaleDir, decodeFragments) import GenUtil import List import Maybe import Monad import PackedString import Gale.Puff import RSA import System.Mem.Weak import Word import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP.ByteString import Data.Binary.Get(runGet,Get()) stons :: [Char] -> [Word8] stons = map (fromIntegral . ord) private_magic1, private_magic2, private_magic3 :: BS.ByteString pubkey_magic1, pubkey_magic2 :: BS.ByteString private_magic1 = BS.pack $ stons "h\DC3\000\001" private_magic2 = BS.pack $ stons "h\DC3\000\003" private_magic3 = BS.pack $ stons "GALE\000\002" pubkey_magic1 = BS.pack $ stons "h\DC3\000\000" pubkey_magic2 = BS.pack $ stons "h\DC3\000\002" pubkey_magic3 = BS.pack $ stons "GALE\000\001" galeRSAModulusBits = 1024 galeRSAModulusLen = (galeRSAModulusBits + 7) `div` 8 galeRSAPrimeBits = (galeRSAModulusBits + 1) `div` 2 galeRSAPrimeLen = (galeRSAPrimeBits + 7) `div` 8 data KeyCache = KeyCache { pkeyCache :: !(MVar (Map.Map String (Weak (Key,EvpPkey)))), kkeyCache :: !(MVar (Map.Map String (Weak Key))), galeDir :: String } numberKeys kc = fmap Map.size $ readMVar (kkeyCache kc) keyIsPubKey k = (hasFragment k f_rsaExponent) keyIsPrivKey k = (hasFragment k f_rsaPrivateExponent) keyIsPublic k = any nullPS $ getFragmentStrings k f_keyMember newKeyCache galeDir = do pk <- newMVar Map.empty kk <- newMVar Map.empty return KeyCache { {- keyCache = kc, publicKeyCache = pkc,-} galeDir = galeDir, pkeyCache = pk, kkeyCache = kk } keyToRSAElems :: Monad m => Key -> m (RSAElems BS.ByteString) keyToRSAElems fl = do if not (keyIsPubKey fl) then fail "key does not have bits" else do n <- getFragmentData fl f_rsaModulus e <- getFragmentData fl f_rsaExponent if not (keyIsPrivKey fl) then return RSAElemsPublic { rsaN = n, rsaE = e } else do d <- getFragmentData fl f_rsaPrivateExponent iqmp <- getFragmentData fl f_rsaPrivateCoefficient pq <- getFragmentData fl f_rsaPrivatePrime dmpq1 <- getFragmentData fl f_rsaPrivatePrimeExponent let (p,q) = BS.splitAt galeRSAPrimeLen pq -- should be "rsa.bits"? (dmp1,dmq1) = BS.splitAt galeRSAPrimeLen dmpq1 return RSAElemsPrivate { rsaN = n, rsaE = e, rsaD = d , rsaIQMP = iqmp, rsaP = p, rsaQ = q, rsaDMP1 = dmp1, rsaDMQ1 = dmq1 } {- keyToRSAElems :: Monad m => Key -> m (RSAElems [Word8]) keyToRSAElems fl = do if not (keyIsPubKey fl) then fail "key does not have bits" else do n <- getFragmentData fl f_rsaModulus e <- getFragmentData fl f_rsaExponent if not (keyIsPrivKey fl) then return RSAElemsPublic { rsaN = BS.unpack n, rsaE = BS.unpack e } else do d <- getFragmentData fl f_rsaPrivateExponent iqmp <- getFragmentData fl f_rsaPrivateCoefficient pq <- getFragmentData fl f_rsaPrivatePrime dmpq1 <- getFragmentData fl f_rsaPrivatePrimeExponent let (p,q) = splitAt galeRSAPrimeLen (BS.unpack pq) -- should be "rsa.bits"? (dmp1,dmq1) = splitAt galeRSAPrimeLen (BS.unpack dmpq1) return RSAElemsPrivate { rsaN = BS.unpack n, rsaE = BS.unpack e, rsaD = BS.unpack d , rsaIQMP = BS.unpack iqmp, rsaP = p, rsaQ = q, rsaDMP1 = dmp1, rsaDMQ1 = dmq1 } -} keyToPkey :: Key -> IO EvpPkey keyToPkey key = do re <- keyToRSAElems key putLog LogDebug $ show re createPkey re getPKey :: KeyCache -> String -> IO (Maybe (Key,EvpPkey)) getPKey kc kn = modifyMVar (pkeyCache kc) f where f pkeyCache | Just v <- Map.lookup kn pkeyCache = do v <- deRefWeak v case v of Just _ -> return (pkeyCache, v) Nothing -> g pkeyCache f pkeyCache = g pkeyCache g pkeyCache = do k <- getKey kc kn case k of Nothing -> return (pkeyCache, Nothing) Just v | not (hasFragment v f_rsaModulus) -> return (pkeyCache, Nothing) Just key -> do --rsa <- keyToRSA v --pkey <- pkeyNewRSA rsa pkey <- keyToPkey key let kp = (key,pkey) ptr <- mkWeakPtr kp Nothing return (Map.insert kn ptr pkeyCache, Just kp) blankKey kn = (Key kn []) noKey :: KeyCache -> String -> IO () noKey kc kn = modifyMVar (kkeyCache kc) f where f kkeyCache | Just _ <- Map.lookup kn kkeyCache = return (kkeyCache, ()) f kkeyCache = do n <- mkWeakPtr (blankKey kn) Nothing return (Map.insert kn n kkeyCache, ()) putKey :: KeyCache -> BS.ByteString -> IO () putKey kc xs = do mk <- first [fmap Just (parseKey $ BS.unpack xs),return Nothing] case mk of Nothing -> return () Just v'@(Key kn _) -> do modifyMVar (kkeyCache kc) f where f kkeyCache | Just _ <- Map.lookup kn kkeyCache = return (kkeyCache, ()) f kkeyCache = do first [createDirectory $ galeDir kc ++ "/auth/", return ()] first [createDirectory $ galeDir kc ++ "/auth/cache/", return ()] --xs <- unsafeThaw xs --bnds <- getBounds xs atomicWrite (galeDir kc ++ "/auth/cache/" ++ kn ++ ".gpub") $ \h -> BS.hPut h xs -- hPutArray h xs (rangeSize bnds) v' <- mkWeakPtr v' Nothing return (Map.insert kn v' kkeyCache, ()) getKey :: KeyCache -> String -> IO (Maybe Key) getKey kc kn = modifyMVar (kkeyCache kc) f where f kkeyCache | Just v <- Map.lookup kn kkeyCache = do v <- deRefWeak v case v of Just _ -> return (kkeyCache, v) Nothing -> g kkeyCache f kkeyCache = g kkeyCache g kkeyCache = do v <- ioM getFromDisk case v of Nothing -> return (kkeyCache, Nothing) Just v' -> do v'' <- mkWeakPtr v' Nothing return (Map.insert kn v'' kkeyCache, Just v') getFromDisk :: IO Key getFromDisk = do let pc = galeDir kc ++ "/auth/cache/" pp = galeDir kc ++ "/auth/private/" knames = [ pp ++ kn ++ ".gpri", pp ++ kn ++ ".gpub", pp ++ kn , pc ++ kn ++ ".gpub" ] gn = (map (\fn -> (readRawFile fn >>= parseKey >>= \c -> return (c,fn))) knames) --putLog LogDebug $ "Looking for: " ++ show knames xs <- mapM tryMost gn let ks = [ k | Right (k@(Key n _),_) <- xs, kn == n] let nk = foldr (\(Key _ fl) (Key n fl') -> Key n (fl `mergeFrags` fl')) (Key kn []) ks --(key_c, fn) <- (first gn) --key <- parseKey key_c --rsa <- pubKeyToRSA key --pkey <- pkeyNewRSA rsa if null (getFragmentList nk) then ioError $ userError "bad key" else return nk flipLocalPart :: String -> String flipLocalPart s | '@' `notElem` s = s flipLocalPart s = nbp ++ ep where nbp = concat $ reverse (groupBy f bp) (bp,ep) = span (/= '@') s f '.' '.' = True f x y | x /= '.' && y /= '.' = True f _ _ = False keyRequestPuff :: String -> Puff keyRequestPuff s = emptyPuff { cats = [Category ("_gale.query." ++ n, d)], fragments = [(f_questionKey, FragmentText $ packString s), (f_questionKey',FragmentText $ packString s')]} where s' = flipLocalPart s Category (n,d) = catParseNew s --la xs = listArray (0, length xs - 1) xs --la xs = BS.pack xs parseWord32 :: ReadP Word32 parseWord32 = do b1 <- get b2 <- get b3 <- get b4 <- get return $ (fromIntegral b4) .|. (fromIntegral b3 `shiftL` 8) .|. (fromIntegral b2 `shiftL` 16) .|. (fromIntegral b1 `shiftL` 24) parseWord16 :: ReadP Word16 parseWord16 = do b1 <- get b2 <- get return $ (fromIntegral b2) .|. (fromIntegral b1 `shiftL` 8) parseIntegral32 = fmap fromIntegral parseWord32 keyDecode12 = do bits <- parseIntegral32 modulusD <- splitRLE galeRSAModulusLen exponentD <- splitRLE galeRSAModulusLen privateExponentD <- splitRLE (galeRSAPrimeLen * 2) privatePrimeD <- splitRLE galeRSAModulusLen privatePrimeExponentD <- splitRLE (galeRSAPrimeLen * 2) privateCoefficientD <- splitRLE galeRSAPrimeLen let fl = [("rsa.modulus",FragmentData modulusD), ("rsa.exponent",FragmentData exponentD), ("rsa.private.exponent",FragmentData privateExponentD), ("",FragmentData privatePrimeD), ("",FragmentData privatePrimeExponentD), ("rsa.private.coefficient",FragmentData privateCoefficientD), ("rsa.bits", FragmentInt (fromIntegral bits)) ] return [ (fromString x,y) | (x,y) <- fl] {- (bits,ys) = xdrReadUInt xs (modulusD,xs') = splitRLE galeRSAModulusLen ys (exponentD,xs'') = splitRLE galeRSAModulusLen xs' (privateExponentD,xs''') = splitRLE (galeRSAPrimeLen * 2) xs'' (privatePrimeD,xs'''') = splitRLE galeRSAModulusLen xs''' (privatePrimeExponentD,xs''''') = splitRLE (galeRSAPrimeLen * 2) xs'''' (privateCoefficientD,_) = splitRLE galeRSAPrimeLen xs''''' -} eof = do l <- look guard $ BS.null l parseNullString :: ReadP String parseNullString = map (chr . fromIntegral) `fmap` manyTill get (char 0) parseLenString :: ReadP String parseLenString = do len <- parseIntegral32 ws <- replicateM len parseWord16 return $ map (chr . fromIntegral) ws keyParse :: ReadP Key keyParse = choice [ppk1,ppk2,ppk3,pk1,pk2,pk3] where ppk1 = do string private_magic1 kn <- fmap flipLocalPart parseNullString fl <- keyDecode12 return $ Key kn fl ppk2 = do string private_magic2 kn <- fmap flipLocalPart parseLenString fl <- keyDecode12 return $ Key kn fl ppk3 = do string private_magic3 kn <- fmap flipLocalPart parseLenString fl <- toParser decodeFrags return $ Key kn fl pk1 = do string pubkey_magic1 kn <- fmap flipLocalPart parseNullString (eof >> return (Key kn [])) +++ do comment <- parseNullString fl <- parsePublic12 skipMany get -- the signature return $ Key kn ([(f_keyOwner, FragmentText (packString comment))] ++ fl) pk2 = do string pubkey_magic2 kn <- fmap flipLocalPart parseLenString (eof >> return (Key kn [])) +++ do comment <- parseLenString fl' <- parsePublic12 let fl = ((f_keyOwner, FragmentText (packString comment)):fl') (eof >> return (Key kn fl)) +++ do ts <- replicateM 16 get te <- replicateM 16 get skipMany get --_signature <- parseRest return $ Key kn $ fl ++ [(f_keySigned,FragmentTime (decodeTime ts)), (f_keyExpires,FragmentTime (decodeTime te))] pk3 = do string pubkey_magic3 kn <- fmap flipLocalPart parseLenString fl <- toParser decodeFrags return $ Key kn fl parsePublic12 = do bits <- parseIntegral32 --modulus <- (MkP (\x -> Just (splitRLE galeRSAModulusLen x))) --exponent <- (MkP (\x -> Just (splitRLE galeRSAModulusLen x))) modulus <- splitRLE galeRSAModulusLen exponent <- splitRLE galeRSAModulusLen return [(f_rsaModulus, FragmentData modulus), (f_rsaExponent, FragmentData exponent), (f_rsaBits, FragmentInt $ fromIntegral bits)] parser :: Monad m => ReadP a -> BS.ByteString -> m a parser p bs = case readP_to_S p bs of [(a,bs)] | BS.null bs -> return a _ -> fail "parser failed" parseKey :: [Word8] -> IO Key parseKey xs = do (Key kn fl) <- parser keyParse (BS.pack xs) fl <- unsignFragments fl return $ Key kn fl splitRLE :: Int -> ReadP BS.ByteString splitRLE n = f n [] where f n _ | n < 0 = fail "invalid RLE encoding" f 0 xs = return $ BS.concat (reverse xs) f n rs = plain +++ rep where plain = do c <- get guard $ c .&. 0x80 /= 0 let count = fromIntegral $ (c .&. 0x7f) + 1 (x,_) <- gather (skip count) f (n - count) (x:rs) rep = do c <- get guard $ c .&. 0x80 == 0 x <- get let count = fromIntegral $ (c .&. 0x7f) + 1 f (n - count) (BS.replicate count x:rs) {- splitRLE :: Int -> [Word8] -> ([Word8], [Word8]) splitRLE n _ | n < 0 = error "invalid RLE encoding" splitRLE 0 xs = ([],xs) splitRLE n (c:xs) | c .&. 0x80 /= 0 = (take count xs ++ ys,rest) where count = fromIntegral $ (c .&. 0x7f) + 1 (ys,rest) = splitRLE (n - count) (drop count xs) splitRLE n (c:x:xs) | c .&. 0x80 == 0 = (replicate count x ++ ys,rest) where count = fromIntegral $ (c .&. 0x7f) + 1 (ys,rest) = splitRLE (n - count) xs splitRLE _ _ = error "invalid RLE encoding" -} rest = do s <- look skip (BS.length s) return s toParser :: Get a -> ReadP a toParser g = (runGet g . LBS.fromChunks . (:[])) `fmap` rest {- unsignData :: Monad m => BS.ByteString -> m (FragmentList,Key) unsignData xs = flip parser xs $ do l <- parseIntegral32 skip 4 sb <- parseIntegral32 -} unsignData :: [Word8] -> IO (FragmentList,Key) unsignData xs = do key <- parseKey $ take (fromIntegral (l - (8 + sb))) (drop (fromIntegral sb) xs'') return (fl,key) where (l,xs') = xdrReadUInt xs (sb,xs'') = xdrReadUInt (drop 4 xs') fl = (decodeFragments $ drop (fromIntegral l + 4) xs') unsignFragments :: FragmentList -> IO FragmentList unsignFragments tfl | (xs:_) <- [xs | (n,FragmentData xs) <- tfl, n == f_securitySignature] = do (fl,_) <- unsignData (BS.unpack xs) unsignFragments fl unsignFragments x = return x ---------------- -- test code ---------------- {-# NOTINLINE dumpKey #-} dumpKey :: String -> IO () dumpKey arg = do gd <- getGaleDir kc <- newKeyCache gd nk <- getKey kc arg key <- case nk of Just key -> return key Nothing -> do c <- readRawFile arg parseKey c putStrLn $ showKey key {- getPrivateKey :: KeyCache -> String -> IO (Maybe (Key,EvpPkey)) getPrivateKey gc kn = modifyMVar (keyCache gc) f where f kc = case [x|x@(Key kn' _,_) <- kc, kn == kn'] of (v:_) -> return (kc,Just v) [] -> do v <- ioMp getFromDisk return ((maybeToList v ++ kc),v) getFromDisk = do let gd = galeDir gc let p = (gd ++ "/auth/private/") knames = [p ++ kn, p ++ kn ++ ".gpri"] gn = (map (\fn -> (readRawFile fn >>= \c -> return (c,fn))) knames) (key_c, fn) <- (first gn) key <- parseKey key_c rsa <- privkeyToRSA key pkey <- pkeyNewRSA rsa putLog LogNotice $ "Retrieved private key from disk: " ++ fn return (key,pkey) getPublicKey :: KeyCache -> String -> IO (Maybe (Key,EvpPkey)) getPublicKey gc kn = modifyMVar (publicKeyCache gc) f where f keyCache | Just v <- lookupFM keyCache kn = return (keyCache, Just v) f keyCache = do v <- ioM getFromDisk return $ case v of Nothing -> (keyCache, Nothing) Just v' -> (addToFM keyCache kn v', Just v') getFromDisk :: IO (Key,EvpPkey) getFromDisk = do let gd = galeDir gc let p = (gd ++ "/auth/cache/") knames = [ p ++ kn ++ ".gpub"] gn = (map (\fn -> (readRawFile fn >>= \c -> return (c,fn))) knames) putLog LogDebug $ "Looking for: " ++ show knames (key_c, fn) <- (first gn) key <- parseKey key_c rsa <- pubKeyToRSA key pkey <- pkeyNewRSA rsa return (key,pkey) -} {- fragmentData' x y = fragmentData (packString x) y privkeyToRSA :: Key -> IO RSA privkeyToRSA (Key _ fl) = do rsa <- rsaNew fragmentData' "rsa.modulus" fl >>= bn_bin2bn >>= rsaSetN rsa fragmentData' "rsa.exponent" fl >>= bn_bin2bn >>= rsaSetE rsa fragmentData' "rsa.private.exponent" fl >>= bn_bin2bn >>= rsaSetD rsa fragmentData' "rsa.private.coefficient" fl >>= bn_bin2bn >>= rsaSetIQMP rsa xs <- fragmentData' "" fl let (p,q) = splitAt galeRSAPrimeLen xs bn_bin2bn p >>= rsaSetP rsa bn_bin2bn q >>= rsaSetQ rsa xs <- fragmentData' "" fl let (dmp1,dmq1) = splitAt galeRSAPrimeLen xs bn_bin2bn dmp1 >>= rsaSetDMP1 rsa bn_bin2bn dmq1 >>= rsaSetDMQ1 rsa rsaCheckKey rsa return rsa pubKeyToRSA :: Key -> IO RSA pubKeyToRSA (Key _ fl) = do rsa <- rsaNew fragmentData' "rsa.modulus" fl >>= bn_bin2bn >>= rsaSetN rsa fragmentData' "rsa.exponent" fl >>= bn_bin2bn >>= rsaSetE rsa --fragmentData' "rsa.private.exponent" fl >>= bn_bin2bn >>= rsaSetD rsa --fragmentData' "rsa.private.coefficient" fl >>= bn_bin2bn >>= rsaSetIQMP rsa --xs <- fragmentData' "" fl --let (p,q) = splitAt galeRSAPrimeLen xs --bn_bin2bn p >>= rsaSetP rsa --bn_bin2bn q >>= rsaSetQ rsa --xs <- fragmentData' "" fl --let (dmp1,dmq1) = splitAt galeRSAPrimeLen xs --bn_bin2bn dmp1 >>= rsaSetDMP1 rsa --bn_bin2bn dmq1 >>= rsaSetDMQ1 rsa --rsaCheckKey rsa return rsa -} {- keyToRSA :: Key -> IO RSA keyToRSA (Key _ fl) = do rsa <- rsaNew fragmentData' "rsa.modulus" fl >>= bn_bin2bn >>= rsaSetN rsa fragmentData' "rsa.exponent" fl >>= bn_bin2bn >>= rsaSetE rsa if (hasFragment fl (packString "rsa.private.exponent")) then do fragmentData' "rsa.private.exponent" fl >>= bn_bin2bn >>= rsaSetD rsa fragmentData' "rsa.private.coefficient" fl >>= bn_bin2bn >>= rsaSetIQMP rsa xs <- fragmentData' "" fl let (p,q) = splitAt galeRSAPrimeLen xs -- should be "rsa.bits"? bn_bin2bn p >>= rsaSetP rsa bn_bin2bn q >>= rsaSetQ rsa xs <- fragmentData' "" fl let (dmp1,dmq1) = splitAt galeRSAPrimeLen xs bn_bin2bn dmp1 >>= rsaSetDMP1 rsa bn_bin2bn dmq1 >>= rsaSetDMQ1 rsa rsaCheckKey rsa else do return () -- rsaSetD rsa nullPtr -- rsaSetIQMP rsa nullPtr -- rsaSetP rsa nullPtr -- rsaSetQ rsa nullPtr -- rsaSetDMP1 rsa nullPtr -- rsaSetDMQ1 rsa nullPtr return rsa -}