module Gale.Puff( Puff(..), Fragment(..), Signature(..), Key(..), FragmentList, HasFragmentList(..), Category(Category), readPuffs, writePuffs, emptyPuff, categoryHead, categoryCell, catParseNew, catShowNew, subCategory, fragmentData, getFragmentString, getFragmentStrings, getFragmentForceStrings, showPuff, showKey, showFragments, fragmentString, mergeFrags, getFragmentData, getFragmentTime, getAuthor, getSigner, hasFragment, hasFragmentString, emptyKey, getAllFragmentForceStrings, showSignature, f_keySigned, f_keyRedirect, f_keyMember, f_keyExpires, f_rsaModulus, f_rsaPrivateExponent, f_rsaPrivateCoefficient, f_rsaPrivatePrime, f_rsaPrivatePrimeExponent, f_rsaExponent, f_rsaBits, f_keyOwner, f_messageSender, f_securitySignature, f_messageBody, f_messageKeyword, f_idTime, f_messageId, f_questionReceipt, f_outGone, f_noticePresence, f_noticePresence', f_securityEncryption, f_questionKey, f_questionKey', f_answerKey', f_answerKeyError' ) where import Atom import Char import Data.Binary import EIO import ErrorLog import GenUtil import Int(Int32) import List import Maybe(isJust) import PackedString import System.IO import System.Time import Time import RSA import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS import qualified Data.ByteString as BS newtype Category = Category (String,String) deriving(Binary,Eq,Ord) instance Show Category where show c = catShowNew c type FragmentList = [(Atom,Fragment)] data Puff = Puff { cats :: [Category], signature :: [Signature], fragments :: FragmentList } data Fragment = FragmentText !PackedString | FragmentData !BS.ByteString | FragmentTime !ClockTime | FragmentInt !Int32 | FragmentNest FragmentList data Signature = Unverifyable Key | Signed Key | Encrypted [String] data Key = Key String FragmentList emptyKey n = Key n [( f_keyMember, FragmentText nilPS)] instance Eq Key where (==) (Key kn _) (Key kn' _) = kn == kn' instance Ord Key where compare (Key kn _) (Key kn' _) = compare kn kn' f_answerKeyError' = fromString "answer/key/error" f_answerKey' = fromString "answer/key" f_idTime = fromString "id/time" f_keyExpires = fromString "key.expires" f_keyMember = fromString "key.member" f_keyOwner = fromString "key.owner" f_keyRedirect = fromString "key.redirect" f_keySigned = fromString "key.signed" f_messageBody = fromString "message/body" f_messageId = fromString "" f_messageKeyword = fromString "message.keyword" f_messageSender = fromString "message/sender" f_noticePresence = fromString "notice.presence" f_noticePresence' = fromString "notice/presence" f_outGone = fromString "out.gone" f_questionKey = fromString "question.key" f_questionKey' = fromString "question/key" f_questionReceipt = fromString "question.receipt" f_rsaBits = fromString "rsa.bits" f_rsaExponent = fromString "rsa.exponent" f_rsaModulus = fromString "rsa.modulus" f_rsaPrivateCoefficient = fromString "rsa.private.coefficient" f_rsaPrivateExponent = fromString "rsa.private.exponent" f_rsaPrivatePrimeExponent = fromString "" f_rsaPrivatePrime = fromString "" f_securityEncryption = fromString "security/encryption" f_securitySignature = fromString "security/signature" -------------------- -- Category Routines -------------------- subCategory :: Category -> Category -> Bool Category (x1,y1) `subCategory` Category (x2,y2) = x2 `isPrefixOf` x1 && y2 `isSuffixOf` y1 catParseNew :: String -> Category catParseNew cs = Category (c,(drop 1) d) where (c,d) = span (/= '@') cs catShowNew :: Category -> String catShowNew (Category (x,"")) = x catShowNew (Category (x,y)) = x ++ "@" ++ y --------------------- -- working with puffs --------------------- getAuthor p = maybe "unknown" id (getSigner p) getSigner p = ss (signature p) where ss (Signed (Key n _):_) = Just n ss (Unverifyable (Key n _):_) = Just n ss (_:sig) = ss sig ss [] = Nothing showSignature (Signed (Key n _)) = "Signed by " ++ n showSignature (Unverifyable (Key n _)) = "Signed by " ++ n ++ " (unverified)" showSignature (Encrypted xs) = "Encrypted to " ++ concatInter ", " xs emptyPuff = Puff {cats = [], signature = [], fragments = []} fragmentData :: Monad m => Atom -> FragmentList -> m BS.ByteString fragmentData s fl = case lookup s fl of Just (FragmentData xs) -> return xs _ -> fail $ "fragment not found: " ++ toString s fragmentString :: Monad m => Atom -> FragmentList -> m PackedString fragmentString s fl = case lookup s fl of Just (FragmentText xs) -> return xs _ -> fail $ "fragment not found: " ++ toString s mergeFrags :: FragmentList -> FragmentList -> FragmentList mergeFrags fla flb = fla ++ [f|f@(s,_) <- flb, s `notElem` fsts fla] {- getFragmentString :: Monad m => Puff -> String -> m String getFragmentString (Puff {fragments = frags}) s = case lookup s frags of Just (FragmentText s) -> return s _ -> fail $ "fragment not found: " ++ s -} getFragmentStrings :: HasFragmentList fl => fl -> Atom -> [PackedString] getFragmentStrings fl s = [v|(n,FragmentText v) <- getFragmentList fl, n == s] getFragmentForceStrings :: HasFragmentList fl => fl -> Atom -> [PackedString] getFragmentForceStrings fl s = concatMap f [v | (n,v) <- getFragmentList fl, n == s] where f (FragmentText t) = [t] f (FragmentData _) = [] f (FragmentTime t) = [packString (show t)] f (FragmentInt i) = [packString (show i)] f (FragmentNest fl) = getFragmentForceStrings fl s getAllFragmentForceStrings :: HasFragmentList fl => fl -> [PackedString] getAllFragmentForceStrings fl = concatMap f [v | (_,v) <- getFragmentList fl] where f (FragmentText t) = [t] f (FragmentData _) = [] f (FragmentTime t) = [packString (show t)] f (FragmentInt i) = [packString (show i)] f (FragmentNest fl) = getAllFragmentForceStrings fl showPuff (Puff {cats = s, fragments = fl, signature = sigs}) = unwords (map catShowNew s) ++ "\n" ++ unlines (map showSignature sigs) ++ indentLines 2 (showFragments fl) showFragments fl = concatMap (\(n,f) -> toString n ++ ": " ++ show f ++ "\n") fl instance Show Puff where show = showPuff instance Show Key where show = showKey instance Show Fragment where show (FragmentText s) = show s --show (FragmentData xs) = "" show (FragmentData xs) = "" show (FragmentTime ct) = show ct show (FragmentInt x) = show x show (FragmentNest fl) = "Nest:" ++ (indentLines 2 $ showFragments fl) showKey :: Key -> String showKey (Key n fl) = "Key: " ++ n ++ "\n" ++ (indentLines 4 $ showFragments fl) getFragmentData :: (Monad m,HasFragmentList fl) => fl -> Atom -> m BS.ByteString getFragmentData fl s = case [xs | (s',FragmentData xs) <- getFragmentList fl, s' == s] of (s:_) -> return s [] -> fail $ "data fragment not found: " ++ toString s getFragmentString :: (Monad m, HasFragmentList fl) => fl -> Atom -> m PackedString getFragmentString fl s = case [xs | (s',FragmentText xs) <- getFragmentList fl, s' == s] of (s:_) -> return s [] -> fail $ "text fragment not found: " ++ toString s hasFragmentString fl s = isJust (getFragmentString fl s) hasFragment fl s = s `elem` fsts (getFragmentList fl) getFragmentTime :: (Monad m, HasFragmentList fl) => fl -> Atom -> m ClockTime getFragmentTime fl s = case [xs | (s',FragmentTime xs) <- getFragmentList fl, s' == s] of (s:_) -> return s [] -> fail $ "time fragment not found: " ++ toString s class HasFragmentList a where getFragmentList :: a -> FragmentList instance HasFragmentList FragmentList where getFragmentList = id instance HasFragmentList Puff where getFragmentList (Puff {fragments = fl}) = fl instance HasFragmentList Key where getFragmentList (Key _ fl) = fl instance HasFragmentList (Atom,Fragment) where getFragmentList f = [f] instance HasFragmentList Fragment where getFragmentList (FragmentNest fl) = fl getFragmentList _ = [] -- flattenFragmentList :: HasFragmentList fl => fl -> FragmentList ---------------- -- Puff Pickling ---------------- writePuffs :: String -> [Puff] -> IO () writePuffs fn ps = attempt $ putFile fn ps readPuffs :: String -> IO [Puff] readPuffs fn = tryElse [] $ getFile fn putFile fn a = atomicWrite fn $ \h -> do hSetBuffering h (BlockBuffering Nothing) LBS.hPut h (encode a) getFile :: Binary a => FilePath -> IO a getFile fn = decodeFile fn categoryHead (Category (h,_)) = h categoryCell (Category (_,c)) = c {- Generated by DrIFT (Automatic class derivations for Haskell) -} {-* Generated by DrIFT : Look, but Don't Touch. *-} instance Data.Binary.Binary Puff where put (Puff aa ab ac) = do Data.Binary.put aa Data.Binary.put ab Data.Binary.put ac get = do aa <- get ab <- get ac <- get return (Puff aa ab ac) instance Data.Binary.Binary Fragment where put (FragmentText aa) = do Data.Binary.putWord8 0 Data.Binary.put aa put (FragmentData ab) = do Data.Binary.putWord8 1 Data.Binary.put ab put (FragmentTime ac) = do Data.Binary.putWord8 2 Data.Binary.put ac put (FragmentInt ad) = do Data.Binary.putWord8 3 Data.Binary.put ad put (FragmentNest ae) = do Data.Binary.putWord8 4 Data.Binary.put ae get = do h <- Data.Binary.getWord8 case h of 0 -> do aa <- Data.Binary.get return (FragmentText aa) 1 -> do ab <- Data.Binary.get return (FragmentData ab) 2 -> do ac <- Data.Binary.get return (FragmentTime ac) 3 -> do ad <- Data.Binary.get return (FragmentInt ad) 4 -> do ae <- Data.Binary.get return (FragmentNest ae) _ -> fail "invalid binary data found" instance Data.Binary.Binary Signature where put (Unverifyable aa) = do Data.Binary.putWord8 0 Data.Binary.put aa put (Signed ab) = do Data.Binary.putWord8 1 Data.Binary.put ab put (Encrypted ac) = do Data.Binary.putWord8 2 Data.Binary.put ac get = do h <- Data.Binary.getWord8 case h of 0 -> do aa <- Data.Binary.get return (Unverifyable aa) 1 -> do ab <- Data.Binary.get return (Signed ab) 2 -> do ac <- Data.Binary.get return (Encrypted ac) _ -> fail "invalid binary data found" instance Data.Binary.Binary Key where put (Key aa ab) = do Data.Binary.put aa Data.Binary.put ab get = do aa <- get ab <- get return (Key aa ab) instance Binary ClockTime where put (TOD a b) = put a >> put b get = do x <- get y <- get return (TOD x y) -- Imported from other files :-