Sorry if this is a bit raw or wrong, it is an idea congealing as it is being written (asynchronously, of course). feel free to skip to the bullet points at the end for the short version as it is rather long. I have recently been thinking about writing a c-- backend for jhc, printing out and reading the various c-- papers in preparation. As I expected, the translation would be quite simple and straightforward, but I found the section on continuations and cut to particulary inspiring. Adding them to Grin (graph-reduction-intermediate-form, the last form of jhc programs before code generation) would give me exactly the features I have been missing and having to do in an ad-hoc manner in the code generator or do without, exceptions, join points, loops. I formulated how to add them to Grin, verified it still followed the monad laws and think I might have come up with something that is not only practically useful to me now, but has implications for c-- optimizers and implementations in general which is what this message is about. I will be careful to use 'register' to mean a modifyable variable like an auto in C or a local register in c--. I will use 'name' to refer to something bound by a lambda expression on the right side of a monadic bind operator, 'value' to refer to some specific result like a number or memory address, and I will use 'variable' when I am _intentionally_ being ambiguous for reasons that will become clear. jhcs grin is defined exactly so: infixr 1 :->, :>>= data Lam = Val :-> Exp data Exp = Exp :>>= Lam | App { expFunction :: Atom, expArgs :: [Val], expType :: Ty } | Prim { expPrimitive :: Primitive, expArgs :: [Val] } | Case { expValue :: Val, expAlts :: [Lam] } | Return { expValue :: Val } | Store { expValue :: Val } | Fetch { expAddress :: Val } | Update { expAddress :: Val, expValue :: Val } | Error { expError :: String, expType :: Ty } | Cast { expValue :: Val, expType :: Ty } data Val = Lit !Number Ty | Var !Var Ty | Tup [Val] . . notice a few things, (:>>=) and Return form a Monad. their names arn't a coincedence. (:->) plays the exact same role as (->) in haskell lambda expressions and case statements. Grin is not higher order, the only place a Lam may occur is on the right side of the monadic bind or as a binding in a case statement. Grin is strict, all evaluation is explicit. Grin is explicitly typed (we will ignore this for now). Nothing may be partially applied, a complete Lambda _must_ appear to the right of a bind. this is statically enforced. by declaring a handy fixity, this lets us write Grin code in haskell that strongly resembles haskell monadic code. the standard accumulating factorial is n = Var (V 1) r = Var (V 2) x = Var (V 3) y = Var (V 4) any = Var (V 0) g_fact = function "fact" $ Tup [n,r] :-> Case n [ 1 :-> Return r, any :-> App "minus" [n,1] :>>= x :-> App "times" [n,r] :>>= y :-> App "fact" [x,y] ] in any case, the point being, Grin is a monad, all the monad transformations apply, many optimizing transformations are possible and provably correct because of these laws. Many examples of good optimizations on this form were explored by boquist. now lets add continuations data Exp = Exp :>>= Lam | MkContinuation Lam | CutTo Val [Val] ... data Val = | Cont Cont -- ^ some abstract representation of an instantiated continuation. _NOT_ a Lam. ... the meaning is straightforward and have the same interpretation as them in C-- for the cases where C-- allows. all names bound before the continuation are available within its body, CutTo never returns, a continuation may take arguments. note that unlike c-- a continuation's Name is bound just like any other and does not have special syntax: MkContinuation ( x :-> .. ) :>>= myCont :-> .... now we can express join points, continuations, and all sorts of good stuff.. (from now on I will use haskell do-notation, but keep in mind we are building up an AST with :>>= and :->, not executing anything) for example, a join point: myfunc = \ (a,b) -> do -- ^ note, tupled, no currying cont <- mkContinuation $ \ x -> do return (x + 4) case a - b of 3 -> return -1 5 -> cutTo (cont 2) z -> cutTo (cont z) yay! Grin has gained a whole lot of power from stealing this idea from c--. There is one gotcha though that is sort of hacky, but can be thought of as syntatic sugar. how do you create mutually recursive continuations when it's name is only available in the lambda to the right of the declaring monadic action? The brute force approach would be to pass all the continuations names as arguments to every continuation, seeded from one called at the very end when all names are available. of course, this is untenable. the answer is that our monad is actually a member of MonadFix and fixpointable. In theory we could add a primitive (FixIt Lam) that computes the fixpoint, but that would be quite a hassle and noticing that the only things that can be passed as arguments to the fixed function are continuations, we rather choose a convinient hack. every code block is implicitly wrapped in a fixpoint operator that passes all continuations back into the top under the _first_ name they were bound to. code blocks are exactly the bodies of lambdas. i.e. function bodies and arms of case statements. note that this is exactly what we would expect, lambdas are the only 'fixable' things so every lambda is inherently fixed. it is a little hacky for a number of reasons, mainly the transformation to explicit fixpoint form is complicated by things like shadowing and cut-tos, but it would be straightforward if you wanted to do it for some reason. Doing continuations this way rather than declaring a special syntax or just arbitrarily saying they scope over everything is important to ensure we don't lose our precious monadic properties and 'fixable' monads have been well studied and are used in practice in Haskell. Grin is starting to become very expressive, but can we make it as expressive as c--? = Cmf - C minus minus monadic form = This is the meat, after reducing grin more and more I realized I had come up with something much more useful than my original intent. Cmf means 'C minus minus monadic form' let's disect and simplify grin some: data Lam = Val :-> Exp data Exp = Exp :>>= Lam | App String [Val] | Case Val [Lam] | Return Val | MkContinuation Lam | CutTo Val [Val] -- store is nothing more than a call to 'malloc' and a couple 'pokes' into ram so we can discard it. | Store { expValue :: Val } -- fetch is nothing more than a couple peeks into ram so we can discard it | Fetch { expAddress :: Val } -- likewise, but with pokes | Update { expAddress :: Val, expValue :: Val } -- error we can simulate with a 'cut to' an error routine | Error { expError :: String, expType :: Ty } -- unneeded since we are ignoring types for now | Cast { expValue :: Val, expType :: Ty } -- now lets add some primitives for convinience | Peek Val -- read from memory | Poke Val Val -- write to memory data Val = Lit Number | Nam Name -- ^ note it is a 'Name' now. | Tup [Val] so far our Cmf looks good, nice and simple. lets add a couple more primitives and call it done. data Lam = Val :-> Exp data Exp = Exp :>>= Lam | App String [Val] | Case Val [Lam] | Return Val | MkContinuation Lam | CutTo Val [Val] | Peek Val -- read from memory | Poke Val Val -- write to memory | NewReg Val -- allocate a 'register' (in the c-- sense, not the hardware sense) | WriteReg Val Val -- write to register | ReadReg Val -- read from register | JumpTo String [Val] -- might as well make this explicit data Val = Lit Number | Nam Name | Tup [Val] === The Key === This is the key point, registers and names are completly distint in Cmf. Boquist's Grin and SSA form all have 'variables' that don't vary, but must eventually be mapped to varying registers, they are meant to turn into registers via some external register allocation algorithm which presumably will also turn tail calls into loops and parameters into local varying registers. these transformations must necessarily happen outside of Grin, since there is no way to express the fact you want to 'reuse' say eax later or update a value each time through a loop. let's look at how this helps us. take the factorial example from above as Grin would leave it in its final form (with an explicit tailcall): fact = \ (n,r) -> do case n of 1 -> return r _ -> do x <- n - 1 y <- n * r jumpTo (fact (x,y)) This certainly compiles to decent C code, but from now on we have to give up our nice monadic form, there is no further work you can do in Grin. Assuming instead it is in Cmf, we can apply a number of simple transformations. the first is that any explicit tailcall to oneself can be turned into a continuation fact = \ (n,r) -> do fact' <- mkContinuation $ \ (n',r') -> do case n' of 1 -> return r' _ -> do x <- n' - 1 y <- n' * r' cutTo (fact' (x,y)) cutTo fact' (n,r) now it is closer, that looks a whole lot more like a loop, but the code generator will still have to have magic in it to determine those parameters passed back into it can actually be placed in varying registers now here is a transformation I call 'register-introduction' (this is distinct from boquists use of the term, as he just meant creating more variables) register introduction (in one of its forms) goes like so cutTo foo (y1,y2,...) foo <- mkContinuation \ (x1,x2,...) -> do .... cutTo foo (z1,z2,...) ===> r_x1 <- newReg y1 cutTo foo (y2,...) foo <- mkContinuation \ (x2,...) -> do x1 <- readReg r_x1 .... writeReg r_x1 z1 cutTo foo (z2,...) this is just one of the forms of register introduction, but they all follow the same pattern preceding uses of something with a read and its binding with a write and getting rid of the name. some of the cases are tricky, this one is simple because foo is called only once with the same arguments, and there are some cases where they can't be fully applied (which means something interesting :)) . so. applying it to our factorial twice fact = \ (n,r) -> do r_n <- newReg n r_r <- newReg r fact' <- mkContinuation $ \ () -> do n' <- readReg r_n r' <- readReg r_r case n' of 1 -> return r' _ -> do x <- n' - 1 y <- n' * r' writeReg r_n x writeReg r_r y cutTo (fact' ()) cutTo fact' () and look at this! our continuation no longer has any arguments, we have transformed them all away, and this means _ The continuations that take no arguments are exactly those that can be turned into gotos _ (for continutions declared in the current scope that is) ah! so now not only do we have the power of c-- gotos, we have made the imperative loop explicit! the fact that we are storing r and n in updatable registers and we have a simple loop is right there in the monadic Cmf :) this is a non-trivial optimization, carried out by simple meaning preserving source->source transformations. This form is perfect for transforming to C or C-- as is. The newRegs turn into local register declarations and the continuation turns into a label and a goto. we could stop here... but lets see what happens if we keep going... in a production system, Jhc stops here and the C-- compiler takes over from now on.. now lets take it a step or two further: lets do some simple code motion to clean things up some and replace some primitives with some lower level ones: fact = \ (n,r) -> do r_n <- newReg n r_r <- newReg r cutTo fact' () -- a cutTo right before what it is cutting to can just fall through. fact' <- mkContinuation $ \ () -> do n' <- readReg r_n case n' of 1 -> readReg r_r -- lets move the reading and writing of registers as close as we can to their uses. _ -> do n' <- readReg r_n x <- n' - 1 writeReg r_n x r' <- readReg r_r n' <- readReg r_n y <- r' * n' writeReg r_r y cutTo (fact' ()) now lets replace some of the primitives with some more "concrete" ones :) fact = \ (n,r) -> do r_n <- newReg n r_r <- newReg r cutTo fact' () fact' <- mkContinuation $ \ () -> do n' <- readReg r_n case n' of 1 -> readReg r_r _ -> do "subl" [r_n,1] -- n' <- readReg r_n (what it is replacing) -- x <- n' - 1 -- writeReg r_n x "imul" [r_r,r_n] -- n' <- readReg r_n -- r' <- readReg r_r -- y <- n' * r' -- writeReg r_r y cutTo (fact' ()) heh, notice those are i386 opcodes? now, lets define a few global names. eax = Nam (name of eax) ebx = Nam (name of ebx) ecx = Nam (name of ecx) edx = Nam (name of edx) and lets perform some substitutions fact = \ (n,r) -> do writeReg eax n writeReg ebx r cutTo fact' () fact' <- mkContinuation $ \ () -> do n' <- readReg eax case n' of 1 -> readReg ebx _ -> do "subl" [eax,1] "imul" [ebx,eax] cutTo (fact' ()) we can go further and replace the case statement with a special 'If' that takes a bool and translates to a conditional jump, getting rid of the n' but notice what was done, all the monadic names went away. (or will, once the case is transformed away, and the arguments are poped off the stack rather than being bound) so, the whole point of all these transformations is that eventually _every name disapears_ All monadic bindings turn from (>>=) into (>>) forms. names do not corespond to registers, monadically bound names are simply used to _route_ where results go. x <- return 3 f(x) does not mean "bind x to three and then pass it to f" it means "route 3 to the first argument of f" after transformation (assuming c calling convention) "push" 3 "call" [f] "pop" similarly the arguments to functions will disapear and instead be replaced with whatever is appropriate to get the values as specified by your calling convention. so we went from a very high level monad to assembly. without ever leaving the monadic framework. the key reason we were able to do this is the seperation of monadically bound names from run-time values and registers. once all the names are transformed away, all we have left is executable assembly statements seperated by the monadic (>>) operator. = the other way = I meant to talk more about this, but basically the idea is we can start with c-- and transform each local register into a 'newReg' statement and gotos into continuations with no arguments, and then apply a simple set of rewriting rules to _get rid_ of every register access, returning us to a pure functional form that can be optimized! There is a coorespondence between Cmf (monads in general), SSA, and CPS that opens up a wealth of optimizations. the ability to go the other direction is what I find very intriguing, we can take c--, recover its monadic form, optimize the heck out of it, and transform it back to c--. Bullet points: * C-- can be formulated as a true monad that captures most (all?) of its features. * non-trivial optimizations usually done in an ad-hoc or specialized manner can be expressed as straightforward rewriting rules on this monadic code. * it is suitable for transforming between very high-level (jhc or ghc core) all the way down to the very low level (through register assignment and instruction selection) while retaining all its theoretical properties. * this transformation is not a one-way ratchet, higher level forms can be reconstructed from lower level forms by applying rewriting rules in reverse. This would be particularly useful in a c-- to c-- optimizer. * the seperation of the concepts of names used to route where values go, the actual registers that hold them, and the values themselves is a natural and useful distinction and is what allows Cmf to remain valid all the way to instruction selection and the reversability of this transformation. * Monads are good. * Some of this might be novel.