-- There was a lot of discussion about various ways of computing -- Bernouilli numbers (whatever they are) on haskell-cafe in March 2003 -- Here's one of the programs. -- It's not a very good test, I suspect, because it manipulates big integers, -- and so probably spends most of its time in GMP. import Ratio import System -- powers = [[r^n | r<-[2..]] | n<-1..] powers = [2..] : map (zipWith (*) (head powers)) powers -- powers = [[(-1)^r * r^n | r<-[2..]] | n<-1..] neg_powers = map (zipWith (\n x -> if n then x else -x) (iterate not True)) powers pascal:: [[Integer]] pascal = [1,2,1] : map (\line -> zipWith (+) (line++[0]) (0:line)) pascal bernoulli 0 = 1 bernoulli 1 = -(1%2) bernoulli n | odd n = 0 bernoulli n = (-1)%2 + sum [ fromIntegral ((sum $ zipWith (*) powers (tail $ tail combs)) - fromIntegral k) % fromIntegral (k+1) | (k,combs)<- zip [2..n] pascal] where powers = (neg_powers!!(n-1)) main = do [arg] <- getArgs let n = (read arg)::Int putStr $ "Bernoulli of " ++ (show n) ++ " is " putStrLn . filter (\c -> not (c `elem` "( )")) . show . bernoulli $ n