module E.ToHs(compileToHs) where import Char import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Identity import Control.Monad.RWS import Control.Monad.Trans import Control.Monad.Writer import Data.Monoid import System.IO import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ(render,($$),nest,Doc()) import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Traversable as T import qualified System import C.Arch import C.Prims import DataConstructors import Doc.DocLike import Doc.PPrint import E.E import E.FreeVars import E.Program import E.Subst import E.Traverse import E.Values import Name.Id import Name.Name import Name.Names import Name.Prim import Name.VConsts import Numeric import Options import PackedString import RawFiles(viaghc_hs) import Support.CanType import Support.FreeVars import Util.Gen import Util.SetLike import qualified FlagDump as FD progress str = wdump FD.Progress $ (putErrLn str) >> hFlush stderr {-# NOINLINE compileToHs #-} compileToHs :: Program -> IO () compileToHs prog = do (v,_,Coll { collNames = ns, collPrims = prims }) <- runRWST (fromTM $ transE (programE prog)) emptyEnvironment 1 let rv = render (text "theRealMain = " <> v) let data_decls = render (transDataTable (progDataTable prog) ns) ++ "\n" let foreign_decls = render (transForeign $ Set.toList prims) ++ "\n" let fn = optOutName options let cf = (fn ++ "_code.hs") progress ("Writing " ++ show cf) name <- System.getProgName args <- getArguments let argstring = simpleQuote (name:args) comm = shellQuote $ ["ghc", "-O", cf, "-o", fn ] writeFile cf $ unlines ["-- " ++ argstring,"-- " ++ comm,"",viaghc_hs,render restate,data_decls,rv,"",foreign_decls] progress ("Running: " ++ comm) r <- System.system comm when (r /= System.ExitSuccess) $ fail "Hs code did not compile." return () cTypeInfoT (ELit LitCons { litAliasFor = Just af }) = cTypeInfoT af cTypeInfoT (ELit LitCons { litName = n }) | (RawType,t) <- fromName n = cTypeInfo t cTypeInfo "wchar_t" = ("Char#","C#","Char") cTypeInfo "HsChar" = ("Char#","C#","Char") cTypeInfo "HsPtr" = ("Addr#","Ptr","(Ptr ())") cTypeInfo "HsFunPtr" = ("Addr#","Ptr","(Ptr ())") cTypeInfo n = (if primTypeIsSigned pi then "Int#" else "Word#",v,i) where (v,i) = if primTypeIsSigned pi then ('I':nn ++ "#","Int" ++ nn) else ('W':nn ++ "#","Word" ++ nn) nn = show $ primTypeSizeOf pi * 8 Just pi = primitiveInfo n showCType n = fst3 $ cTypeInfo n restate = vcat $ map f restated where f (n,nn,v) = g (nameType n) <> text v <+> text "=" <+> showTCName nn n g DataConstructor = empty g TypeConstructor = text "type " restated = [ (dc_Cons,0,"jhc_Cons"), (dc_EmptyList,0,"jhc_EmptyList"), (tc_List,1,"ListTCon") ] transForeign ps = vcat (map f ps) where f (AddrOf s) = text $ "foreign import ccall \"&" ++ unpackPS s ++ "\" addr_" ++ mangleIdent (unpackPS s) ++ " :: Ptr ()" f furc@Func { funcName = fn, funcIOLike = True, primArgTypes = as, primRetType = "void" } = ans <$> ans' where ans = text $ "foreign import ccall unsafe \"" ++ unpackPS fn ++ "\" " ++ '_':cfuncname furc ++ " :: " ++ intercalate " -> " (map (snd . snd) vals ++ ["IO ()"]) ans' = text $ cfuncname furc <+> "w" <+> unwords (fsts vals) <+> " = case _" ++ cfuncname furc <+> intercalate " " [ parens (c <+> a) | (a,(c,_)) <- vals ] <+> "of IO f -> case f w of (# w, _ #) -> w" vals = [ ('a':show n,ioInfo a) | a <- as | n <- naturals ] f furc@Func { funcName = fn, funcIOLike = True, primArgTypes = as, primRetType = rt' } = ans <$> ans' where ans = text $ "foreign import ccall unsafe \"" ++ unpackPS fn ++ "\" " ++ '_':cfuncname furc ++ " :: " ++ intercalate " -> " (map (snd . snd) vals ++ ["IO " ++ rt]) ans' = text $ cfuncname furc <+> "w" <+> unwords (fsts vals) <+> " = case _" ++ cfuncname furc <+> intercalate " " [ parens (c <+> a) | (a,(c,_)) <- vals ] <+> "of IO f -> case f w of (# w, " ++ rc ++ " r #) -> (# w, r #)" vals = [ ('a':show n,ioInfo a) | a <- as | n <- naturals ] (rc,rt) = ioInfo rt' f furc@Func { funcName = fn, funcIOLike = False, primArgTypes = as, primRetType = rt' } = ans <$> ans' where ans = text $ "foreign import ccall unsafe \"" ++ unpackPS fn ++ "\" " ++ '_':cfuncname furc ++ " :: " ++ intercalate " -> " (map (snd . snd) vals ++ [rt]) ans' = text $ cfuncname furc <+> unwords (fsts vals) <+> " = case _" ++ cfuncname furc <+> intercalate " " [ parens (c <+> a) | (a,(c,_)) <- vals ] <+> "of " ++ rc ++ " r -> r" vals = [ ('a':show n,ioInfo a) | a <- as | n <- naturals ] (rc,rt) = ioInfo rt' -- f furc@Func { funcName = fn, funcIOLike = False, primArgTypes = as, primRetType = rt } = ans where -- ans = text $ "foreign import ccall unsafe \"" ++ fn ++ "\" " ++ cfuncname furc ++ " :: " ++ intercalate " -> " (map showCType (as ++ [rt])) -- f furc@Func { funcName = fn, funcIOLike = True, primArgTypes = as, primRetType = rt } = ans where -- ans = text $ "foreign import ccall unsafe \"" ++ fn ++ "\" " ++ cfuncname furc ++ " :: " ++ intercalate " -> " ("World__":(map showCType as ++ ["(# World__, " ++ showCType rt ++ " #)"])) f n = text "{- Foreign.Error " <+> tshow n <+> text "-}" ioInfo n = (x,y) where (_,x,y) = cTypeInfo n transDataTable dataTable ns = vcat (theType:map g (lefts wtd)) where wtd = Set.toList (mconcatMap f (Set.toList ns)) f (n,_,_) | n `elem` builtIns = Set.empty f (n,_,_) | Just _ <- fromUnboxedNameTuple n = Set.empty f (n,_,_) | Just _ <- fromTupname n = Set.empty f w@(n,nn,tl) = case (nameType n,tl) of (DataConstructor,False) -> Set.fromList $ do c <- getConstructor n dataTable return (Left $ conInhabits c) (TypeConstructor,True) -> Set.singleton (Left n) (TypeConstructor,False) -> Set.singleton (Right (n,nn)) (RawType,_) -> Set.empty (nt,_) -> error (show (w,nt)) theType = text "data Type = Char | Int" <+> case rights wtd of [] -> empty as -> text "|" <+> hcat (punctuate (text " | ") (map tt as)) tt (n,nn) = hsep (showTCName nn n:replicate nn (text "Type")) g n = ans where ans = text "data" <+> hsep (showTCName (length $ conSlots con) n:[ text ('x':show i) | _ <- conSlots con | i <- [2::Int,4 ..] ]) <+> dchildren Just con = getConstructor n dataTable childs = conChildren con dchildren | DataNormal [] <- childs = empty | DataNormal childs <- childs = text "=" <+> hcat (punctuate (text " | ") (map dc childs)) | otherwise = empty dc cn = ans where ans = hsep (showCName cn: map showSlot (conSlots con)) Just con = getConstructor cn dataTable showSlot (EVar v) = pprint v showSlot (ELit LitCons { litArgs = es, litAliasFor = Just af }) = showSlot (foldl eAp af es) showSlot (EPi TVr { tvrType = a } b) = parens $ showSlot a <+> text "->" <+> showSlot b showSlot (ELit (LitCons { litName = c, litArgs = as })) = showCon c (map showSlot as) --builtIns = [tc_Int,tc_Char,dc_Int,dc_Char,rt_int,rt_HsChar,tc_World__,tc_Array__,tc_MutArray__,tc_Ref__,rt_HsPtr] builtIns = [tc_Int,tc_Char,dc_Int,dc_Char,tc_World__,tc_Array__,tc_MutArray__,tc_Ref__] data Environment = Env { envParen :: Bool, envType :: Bool, envCoerce :: IdSet } emptyEnvironment = Env { envParen = False, envType = False, envCoerce = mempty } data Collect = Coll { collNames :: Set.Set (Name,Int,Bool), collPrims :: Set.Set Prim } {-! derive: Monoid !-} newtype TM a = TM { fromTM :: RWST Environment Collect Int IO a } deriving(MonadState Int,MonadReader Environment,MonadWriter Collect,Monad,Functor,MonadIO) mparen xs = do Env { envParen = p } <- ask x <- local (\e -> e { envParen = True }) xs if p then return $ parens x else return x nparen xs = do local (\e -> e { envParen = True }) xs noParens x = local (\e -> e { envParen = False }) x showCon c ts | Just 0 <- fromUnboxedNameTuple c, nameType c == TypeConstructor = text "Nothing" showCon c ts | Just 0 <- fromUnboxedNameTuple c, nameType c == DataConstructor = text "theNothing" showCon c ts | Just _ <- fromUnboxedNameTuple c = text "(# " <> hsep (punctuate comma ts) <> text " #)" showCon c ts | Just _ <- fromTupname c = text "(" <> hsep (punctuate comma ts) <> text ")" showCon c [] | c == tc_World__ = text "World__" showCon c [a] | c == tc_Array__ = parens $ text "Array__" <+> a showCon c [a] | c == tc_MutArray__ = parens $ text "MutArray__" <+> a showCon c [a] | c == tc_Ref__ = parens $ text "Ref__" <+> a showCon c [] | (RawType,v) <- fromName c = text $ showCType v showCon c [] | c == tc_Int = text "Int" showCon c [] | c == tc_Char = text "Char" showCon c [] = showTCName 0 c showCon c ts = parens $ hsep (showTCName (length ts) c:ts) showTCName n c | nameType c == TypeConstructor = showCName c <> text "_" <> tshow n showTCName _ c = showCName c showCName c | c == dc_Char = text "C#" showCName c | c == dc_Int = text "I#" showCName c = text $ case nameType c of DataConstructor -> 'D':mangleIdent (show c) TypeConstructor -> 'T':mangleIdent (show c) n -> 'U':mangleIdent (show n ++ "_" ++ show c) transType :: E -> TM Doc transType e | typeLike e = return $ text "Type" transType (EPi TVr {tvrType = a } b) = local (\e -> e { envType = True }) $ mparen $ do a <- transType a b <- transType b return $ a <+> text "->" <+> b transType (ELit LitCons { litArgs = es, litAliasFor = Just af }) = transType (foldl eAp af es) transType (ELit LitCons { litName = c, litArgs = ts }) = nparen $ do Env { envType = inType } <- ask tell mempty { collNames = Set.singleton (c,length ts,inType) } ts <- mapM transType ts return $ showCon c ts transType e = return $ text "{- ERROR " <> tshow e <> text " -} Type" typeLike (ESort EStar) = True typeLike (EPi TVr { tvrType = a } b) = typeLike a && typeLike b typeLike _ = False transE :: E -> TM Doc transE (EError s _) = mparen $ return (text "error" <+> tshow s) transE (EError s _) = mparen $ return (text "error__" <+> tshow s <> text "#" <+> text "`seq`" <+> text "undefined") transE (ELit (LitInt num t)) = case cTypeInfoT t of ("Char#",_,_) -> return $ text (show $ chr $ fromIntegral num) <> text "#" ("Int#",_,_) | num < 0 -> mparen $ return $ text (show num) <> text "#" | otherwise -> return $ text (show num) <> text "#" ("Addr#",_,_) | num == 0 -> return $ text "nullAddr#" | otherwise -> mparen $ return $ text "int2Addr#" <+> text (show num) <> text "#" ("Word#",_,_) -> mparen $ text "int2Word# (" <> tshow num <> text "# )" transE (ELit LitCons { litName = c, litArgs = ts }) = nparen $ do Env { envType = inType } <- ask tell mempty { collNames = Set.singleton (c,length ts,inType) } ts <- mapM transE ts return $ showCon c ts transE ee | (e,ts@(_:_)) <- fromLam ee = mparen $ do ts' <- mapM transTVr ts e <- noParens $ transE e return $ text "\\" <> hsep ts' <+> text "->" <+> e transE (EVar tvr) = do --env <- asks envCoerce t <- transTVr tvr --case tvrIdent tvr `member` env of case hasBoxes (tvrType tvr) of False -> return t True -> mparen $ return $ text "unsafeCoerce#" <+> t transE ee | (e,es@(_:_)) <- fromAp ee = mparen $ do e <- transE e es <- mapM transE es return (hsep (e:es)) transE ELetRec { eDefs = ds, eBody = e } = mparen $ do --local (\e -> e { envCoerce = envCoerce e `mappend` fromList [ tvrIdent t | (t,_) <- ds, hasBoxes (tvrType t)] }) $ do ds' <- flip mapM ds $ \ (tvr,e) -> do let (b,bs) = fromLam e tt <- noParens $ transType (tvrType tvr) t <- transTVr tvr bs <- mapM transTVr bs e <- case hasBoxes (tvrType tvr) of False -> noParens $ transE b True -> do t <- transE b return $ text "unsafeCoerce#" <+> t return (t <+> text "::" <+> tt <> semi $$ hsep (t:bs) <+> text "=" <+> e) e <- noParens $ transE e return (text "let {" $$ nest 4 (vcat (punctuate (text ";") ds')) $$ text "} in" <+> e) transE ECase { eCaseBind = TVr { tvrIdent = 0, tvrType = tt }, eCaseScrutinee = scrut, eCaseDefault = Just body, eCaseAlts = [] } | isLifted tt = mparen $ do scrut <- transE scrut body <- transE body return (scrut <+> text "`seq`" <+> body) transE ECase { eCaseBind = bind, eCaseScrutinee = scrut, eCaseDefault = md, eCaseAlts = as } = mparen $ do scrut <- noParens $ transE scrut let dobind = 0 /= tvrIdent bind b <- transTVr bind md <- T.mapM transE md let md' = flip fmap md $ \e -> b <+> text "->" <+> if dobind && isLifted (getType bind) then text "seq" <+> b <+> e else e as <- mapM (transAlt dobind b) as let alts = as ++ maybeToMonad md' return (text "case" <+> scrut <+> text "of {" $$ nest 4 (vcat (punctuate semi alts)) $$ text "}") transE e | Just (e',_) <- from_unsafeCoerce e = mparen $ do e' <- transE e' return (text "unsafeCoerce#" <+> e') transE e@(EPrim (APrim (PrimPrim prim) _) args _) = case (unpackPS prim,args) of ("dependingOn",[x,_y]) -> transE x -- XXX (fs,args) | Just ghcprim <- lookup fs ghcPrimTable -> mparen $ mapM transE args >>= \args' -> return $ hsep (text ghcprim:args') _ -> mparen $ return $ text "error" <+> tshow ("ToHs.Error: " ++ show e) --transE (EPrim (APrim Operator { primOp = "-", primRetType = rt } _) [x] _) = mparen $ do -- x <- transE x -- return (hsep [text "negateInt#",x]) --transE (EPrim (APrim Operator { primOp = op, primRetType = rt } _) [x,y] _) | Just z <- op2Table (op,rt) = mparen $ do -- x <- transE x -- y <- transE y -- return (hsep [text z,x,y]) --transE (EPrim (APrim Operator { primOp = op, primArgTypes = [at,_] } _) [x,y] _) | Just z <- op2TableCmp (op,showCType at) = mparen $ do -- x <- transE x -- y <- transE y -- return $ text "fromBool" <+> (parens $ hsep [text z,x,y]) transE (EPrim (APrim CConst { primConst = ('"':rs) } _) [] _) = return (text ('"':rs) <> text "#") transE (EPrim (APrim (PrimString ss) _) [] _) = return (tshow ss <> text "#") transE (EPrim (APrim PrimTypeInfo { primArgType = at, primTypeInfo = c } _) [] _) = ans where Just pi = primitiveInfo at ans = case c of PrimSizeOf -> return $ tshow (primTypeSizeOf pi) <> char '#' transE (EPrim (APrim Peek { primArgType = at } _) [w,x] _) = mparen ans where ans = do w <- transE w x <- transE x return (text func <+> x <+> text "0#" <+> w) (tt,_,_) = cTypeInfo at Just pi = primitiveInfo at size = primTypeSizeOf pi * 8 sign = primTypeIsSigned pi func = case tt of "Char#" -> "readWideCharOffAddr#" "Addr#" -> "readAddrOffAddr#" "Int#" -> "readInt" ++ show size ++ "OffAddr#" "Word#" -> "readWord" ++ show size ++ "OffAddr#" transE (EPrim (APrim Peek { primArgType = at } _) [x] (ELit LitCons { litName = n })) = mparen $ ans where ans = do x <- ans'; castVal at (show n) x ans' = mparen $ do x <- transE x return (text func <+> x <+> text "0#") (tt,_,_) = cTypeInfo at Just pi = primitiveInfo at size = primTypeSizeOf pi * 8 sign = primTypeIsSigned pi func = case tt of "Char#" -> "indexWideCharOffAddr#" "Addr#" -> "indexAddrOffAddr#" "Int#" -> "indexInt" ++ show size ++ "OffAddr#" "Word#" -> "indexWord" ++ show size ++ "OffAddr#" transE (EPrim (APrim Poke { primArgType = at } _) [w,ptr,v] _) = mparen ans where ans = do w <- transE w ptr <- transE ptr v <- transE v return (text func <+> ptr <+> text "0#" <+> v <+> w) Just pi = primitiveInfo at size = primTypeSizeOf pi * 8 sign = primTypeIsSigned pi (tt,_,_) = cTypeInfo at func = case tt of "Char#" -> "writeWideCharOffAddr#" "Addr#" -> "writeAddrOffAddr#" "Int#" -> "writeInt" ++ show size ++ "OffAddr#" "Word#" -> "writeWord" ++ show size ++ "OffAddr#" transE (EPrim (APrim (AddrOf addr) _) [] _) = mparen $ do tell mempty { collPrims = Set.singleton (AddrOf addr) } return (text $ "unPtr addr_" ++ mangleIdent (unpackPS addr)) transE (EPrim (APrim func@Func {} _) xs _) = mparen $ do tell mempty { collPrims = Set.singleton func } xs <- mapM transE xs return (hsep (text (cfuncname func):xs)) --transE (EPrim (APrim cast@CCast { primArgType = at, primRetType = rt } _) [x] _) = mparen $ transE x >>= \x -> castVal at rt x transE e = mparen $ return $ text "error" <+> tshow ("ToHs.Error: " ++ show e) ghcPrimTable = [ ("newWorld__","newWorld__"), ("catch__","catch#"), ("raiseIO__","raiseIO#"), ("newRef__","newMutVar#"), ("readRef__","readMutVar#"), ("writeRef__","writeMutVar#"), ("newMutArray__","newArray#"), ("readArray__","readArray#"), ("writeArray__","writeArray#"), ("indexArray__","indexArray#"), ("unsafeFreezeArray__","unsafeFreezeArray#"), ("alloca__","alloca__") ] castVal :: ExtType -> ExtType -> Doc -> TM Doc castVal at rt x = case (showCType at,showCType rt) of (a,b) | a == b -> return x z | Just co <- lookup z coercions -> mparen $ return (text co <+> x) xs -> fail $ "unknown coercion: " ++ show xs where coercions = [ (("Int#","Char#"),"chr#"), (("Char#","Int#"),"ord#"), (("Addr#","Int#"),"addr2Int#"), (("Int#","Addr#"),"int2Addr#"), (("Word#","Int#"),"word2Int#"), (("Int#","Word#"),"int2Word#"), (("Char#","Word#"),"char2Word__"), (("Word#","Char#"),"word2Char__"), (("Addr#","Word#"),"addr2Word__"), (("Word#","Addr#"),"word2Addr__") ] cfuncname Func { funcName = fn, funcIOLike = iol, primArgTypes = as, primRetType = r } = text $ ("func_" ++ (if iol then "io" else "pure") ++ "_" ++ unpackPS fn ++ intercalate "_" (r:as)) hasBoxes e = or $ execWriter (f e) where f e | e == tBox = tell [True] >> return e f e = emapEGH f f f e op2Table (op,rt) = lookup (showCType rt) table >>= lookup op where table = [ ("Int#",intTable),("Word#",wordTable),("Addr#",addrTable)] intTable = [ ("+","(+#)"), ("-","(-#)"), ("*","(*#)"), ("%","remInt#"), ("/","quotInt#") ] wordTable = [ ("+","plusWord#"), ("-","minusWord#"), ("*","timesWord#"), ("%","remWord#"), ("/","quotWord#") ] addrTable = [ ("+","plusAddr__") ] op2TableCmp (op,rt) = lookup rt table >>= lookup op where table = [ ("Int#",intTable), ("Char#",charTable), ("Addr#",addrTable),("Word#",wordTable)] intTable = [ (">","(>#)"), ("==","(==#)"), ("<","(<#)"), (">=","(>=#)"), ("<=","(<=#)") ] charTable = [ (">","gtChar#"), ("==","eqChar#"), ("<","ltChar#"), (">=","gteChar#"), ("<=","lteChar#") ] addrTable = [ (">","gtAddr#"), ("==","eqAddr#"), ("<","ltAddr#"), (">=","gteAddr#"), ("<=","lteAddr#") ] wordTable = [ (">","gtWord#"), ("==","eqWord#"), ("<","ltWord#"), (">=","gteWord#"), ("<=","lteWord#") ] transAlt :: Bool -> Doc -> Alt E -> TM Doc transAlt dobind b (Alt LitInt { litNumber = i, litType = tt } e) = do let (t,_,_) = cTypeInfoT tt e <- noParens $ transE e case t of "Int#" -> return $ (if dobind then b <> char '@' else empty) <> tshow i <> text "#" <+> text "->" <+> e "Char#" -> return $ (if dobind then b <> char '@' else empty) <> text (show $ chr $ fromIntegral i) <> text "#" <+> text "->" <+> e _ -> do let bvar = if dobind then b else text "_bvar" Just eq = op2TableCmp ("==",t) v <- transE (ELit (LitInt i tt)) return (bvar <+> text "|" <+> text eq <+> bvar <+> v <+> text "->" <+> e) transAlt dobind b (Alt LitCons { litName = c, litArgs = ts } e) = do tell mempty { collNames = Set.singleton (c,length ts,False) } -- XXX this shouldn't be needed ts <- mapM transTVr ts e <- noParens $ transE e return ( (if dobind then b <> char '@' else empty) <> showCon c ts <+> text "->" <+> e) transTVr :: TVr -> TM Doc transTVr TVr { tvrIdent = 0 } = return $ char '_' transTVr tvr = return (text $ 'v':mangleIdent (pprint tvr)) mangleIdent xs = concatMap f xs where f '.' = "__" f '@' = "_a" f ',' = "_c" f '(' = "_L" f ')' = "_R" f '$' = "_d" f '%' = "_P" f '#' = "_h" f '/' = "_s" f '=' = "_e" f '+' = "_p" f '-' = "_m" f '!' = "_b" f '>' = "_r" f '<' = "_l" f '\'' = "_t" f '_' = "_u" f c | isAlphaNum c = [c] f c = '_':'x':showHex (ord c) ""