module E.Values where import Char import Control.Monad.Identity import Data.Monoid import List import Ratio import C.Prims import E.E import E.FreeVars() import E.Subst import E.TypeCheck import Info.Types import Info.Info(HasInfo(..)) import Name.Id import Name.Name import Name.Names import Name.VConsts import Support.CanType import Support.FreeVars import Support.Tuple import Util.SetLike import qualified Info.Info as Info instance Tuple E where tupleNil = vUnit tupleMany es = ELit litCons { litName = nameTuple DataConstructor (length es), litArgs = es, litType = ltTuple ts } where ts = map getType es eTuple :: [E] -> E eTuple = tuple eTuple' es = ELit $ unboxedTuple es unboxedTuple es = litCons { litName = unboxedNameTuple DataConstructor (length es), litArgs = es, litType = ltTuple' ts } where ts = map getType es unboxedUnit :: E unboxedUnit = ELit $ unboxedTuple [] unboxedTyUnit :: E unboxedTyUnit = ltTuple' [] class ToE a where toE :: a -> E typeE :: a -> E -- lazy in a class ToEzh a where toEzh :: a -> E typeEzh :: a -> E instance ToEzh Char where toEzh ch = ELit $ LitInt (fromIntegral $ fromEnum ch) tCharzh typeEzh _ = tCharzh instance ToEzh Int where toEzh ch = ELit $ LitInt (fromIntegral ch) tIntzh typeEzh _ = tIntzh instance ToEzh Integer where toEzh ch = ELit $ LitInt (fromIntegral ch) tIntegerzh typeEzh _ = tIntegerzh instance ToE () where toE () = vUnit typeE _ = tUnit instance ToE Bool where toE True = vTrue toE False = vFalse typeE _ = tBool instance ToE Char where toE ch = ELit (litCons { litName = dc_Char, litArgs = [toEzh ch], litType = tChar }) typeE _ = tChar instance ToE Rational where toE rat = ELit (litCons { litName = dc_Rational, litArgs = [toE (numerator rat), toE (denominator rat)], litType = tRational }) typeE _ = tRational instance ToE Integer where toE ch = ELit (litCons { litName = dc_Integer, litArgs = [toEzh ch], litType = tInteger }) typeE _ = tInteger instance ToE Int where toE ch = ELit (litCons { litName = dc_Int, litArgs = [toEzh ch], litType = tInt }) typeE _ = tInt instance ToE a => ToE [a] where toE xs@[] = eNil (typeE xs) toE (x:xs) = eCons (toE x) (toE xs) typeE (_::[a]) = ELit (litCons { litName = tc_List, litArgs = [typeE (undefined::a)], litType = eStar }) --eInt x = ELit $ LitInt x tInt eCons x xs = ELit $ litCons { litName = vCons, litArgs = [x,xs], litType = getType xs } eNil t = ELit $ litCons { litName = vEmptyList, litArgs = [], litType = t } emptyCase = ECase { eCaseAllFV = mempty, eCaseDefault = Nothing, eCaseAlts = [], eCaseBind = error "emptyCase: bind", eCaseType = error "emptyCase: type", eCaseScrutinee = error "emptyCase: scrutinee" } eCaseTup e vs w = caseUpdate emptyCase { eCaseScrutinee = e, eCaseBind = (tVr 0 (getType e)), eCaseType = getType w, eCaseAlts = [Alt litCons { litName = nameTuple DataConstructor (length vs), litArgs = vs, litType = getType e } w] } eCaseTup' e vs w = caseUpdate emptyCase { eCaseScrutinee = e, eCaseBind = (tVr 0 (getType e)), eCaseType = getType w, eCaseAlts = [Alt litCons { litName = unboxedNameTuple DataConstructor (length vs), litArgs = vs, litType = getType e} w] } eJustIO w x = eTuple' [w,x] -- ELit litCons { litName = dc_JustIO, litArgs = [w,x], litType = ELit litCons { litName = tc_IOResult, litArgs = [getType x], litType = eStar } } tIO t = ELit (litCons { litName = tc_IO, litArgs = [t], litType = eStar }) eCase e alts@(alt:_) Unknown = caseUpdate emptyCase { eCaseScrutinee = e, eCaseBind = (tVr 0 (getType e)), eCaseType = getType alt, eCaseAlts = alts } eCase e alts els = caseUpdate emptyCase { eCaseScrutinee = e, eCaseBind = (tVr 0 (getType e)), eCaseDefault = Just els, eCaseAlts = alts, eCaseType = getType els } -- | This takes care of types right away, it simplifies various other things to do it this way. eLet :: TVr -> E -> E -> E eLet TVr { tvrIdent = 0 } _ e' = e' eLet t@(TVr { tvrType = ty}) e e' | sortKindLike ty && isAtomic e = subst t e e' | sortKindLike ty = ELetRec [(t,e)] (typeSubst mempty (msingleton (tvrIdent t) e) e') | isUnboxed ty && isAtomic e = subst t e e' | isUnboxed ty = eStrictLet t e e' eLet t e e' = ELetRec [(t,e)] e' -- | strict version of let, evaluates argument before assigning it. eStrictLet t@(TVr { tvrType = ty }) v e | sortKindLike ty = eLet t v e eStrictLet t v e = caseUpdate emptyCase { eCaseScrutinee = v, eCaseBind = t, eCaseDefault = Just e, eCaseType = getType e } substLet :: [(TVr,E)] -> E -> E substLet ds e = ans where (as,nas) = partition (isAtomic . snd) (filter ((/= 0) . tvrIdent . fst) ds) tas = filter (sortKindLike . tvrType . fst) nas ans = eLetRec (as ++ nas) (typeSubst' (fromList [ (n,e) | (TVr { tvrIdent = n },e) <- as]) (fromList [ (n,e) | (TVr { tvrIdent = n },e) <- tas]) e) substLet' :: [(TVr,E)] -> E -> E substLet' ds' e = ans where (hh,ds) = partition (isUnboxed . tvrType . fst) ds' nas = filter ((/= 0) . tvrIdent . fst) ds tas = filter (sortKindLike . tvrType . fst) nas ans = case (nas,tas) of ([],_) -> hhh hh $ e (nas,[]) -> hhh hh $ ELetRec nas e _ -> let f = typeSubst' mempty (fromList [ (n,e) | (TVr { tvrIdent = n },e) <- tas]) nas' = [ (v,f e) | (v,e) <- nas] in hhh hh $ ELetRec nas' (f e) hhh [] e = e hhh ((h,v):hh) e = eLet h v (hhh hh e) eLetRec = substLet' prim_seq a b | isWHNF a = b prim_seq a b = caseUpdate emptyCase { eCaseScrutinee = a, eCaseBind = (tVr 0 (getType a)), eCaseDefault = Just b, eCaseType = getType b } prim_unsafeCoerce e t = p e' where (_,e',p) = unsafeCoerceOpt $ EPrim p_unsafeCoerce [e] t from_unsafeCoerce (EPrim pp [e] t) | pp == p_unsafeCoerce = return (e,t) from_unsafeCoerce _ = fail "Not unsafeCoerce primitive" rawType s = ELit litCons { litName = toName RawType s, litType = eHash } tWorldzh = ELit litCons { litName = tc_World__, litArgs = [], litType = eHash } unsafeCoerceOpt (EPrim uc [e] t) | uc == p_unsafeCoerce = f (0::Int) e t where f n e t | Just (e',_) <- from_unsafeCoerce e = f (n + 1) e' t f n (ELetRec ds e) t = (n + 1, ELetRec ds (p e'),id) where (n,e',p) = f n e t f n (EError err _) t = (n,EError err t,id) f n (ELit (LitInt x _)) t = (n,ELit (LitInt x t),id) f n (ELit lc@LitCons {}) t = (n,ELit lc { litType = t },id) f n ec@ECase {} t = (n,caseUpdate nx { eCaseType = t },id) where Identity nx = caseBodiesMapM (return . flip prim_unsafeCoerce t) ec f n e t | getType e == t = (n,e,id) f n e t = (n,e,\z -> EPrim p_unsafeCoerce [z] t) unsafeCoerceOpt e = (0,e,id) instance HasInfo TVr where getInfo = tvrInfo modifyInfo = tvrInfo_u -- various routines used to classify expressions -- many assume atomicity constraints are in place -- | whether a value is a compile time constant isFullyConst :: E -> Bool isFullyConst (ELit LitCons { litArgs = [] }) = True isFullyConst (ELit LitCons { litArgs = xs }) = all isFullyConst xs isFullyConst ELit {} = True isFullyConst (EPi (TVr { tvrType = t }) x) = isFullyConst t && isFullyConst x isFullyConst (EPrim (APrim p _) as _) = primIsConstant p && all isFullyConst as isFullyConst _ = False -- | whether a value may be used as an argument to an application, literal, or primitive -- these may be duplicated with no code size or runtime penalty isAtomic :: E -> Bool isAtomic EVar {} = True isAtomic e | sortTypeLike e = True isAtomic (EPrim don [x,y] _) | don == p_dependingOn = isAtomic x isAtomic e = isFullyConst e -- | whether a type is "obviously" atomic. fast and lazy, doesn't recurse -- True -> definitely atomic -- False -> maybe atomic isManifestAtomic :: E -> Bool isManifestAtomic EVar {} = True isManifestAtomic (ELit LitInt {}) = True isManifestAtomic (ELit LitCons { litArgs = []}) = True isManifestAtomic _ = False -- | whether an expression is small enough that it can be duplicated without code size growing too much. (work may be repeated) isSmall e | isAtomic e = True isSmall ELit {} = True isSmall EPrim {} = True isSmall EError {} = True isSmall e | (EVar _,xs) <- fromAp e = length xs <= 4 isSmall _ = False -- | whether an expression may be duplicated or pushed inside a lambda without duplicating too much work isCheap :: E -> Bool isCheap EError {} = True isCheap ELit {} = True isCheap EPi {} = True isCheap ELam {} = True -- should exclude values dropped at compile time isCheap x | isAtomic x = True isCheap (EPrim p _ _) = aprimIsCheap p isCheap ec@ECase {} = isCheap (eCaseScrutinee ec) && all isCheap (caseBodies ec) isCheap e | (EVar v,xs) <- fromAp e, Just (Arity n b) <- Info.lookup (tvrInfo v) = (length xs < n) -- Partial applications are cheap || (b && length xs >= n) -- bottoming out routines are cheap isCheap _ = False -- | determine if term can contain _|_ isLifted :: E -> Bool isLifted x = sortTermLike x && not (isUnboxed (getType x)) -- Note: This does not treat lambdas as whnf whnfOrBot :: E -> Bool whnfOrBot (EError {}) = True whnfOrBot (ELit LitCons { litArgs = xs }) = all isAtomic xs whnfOrBot (EPi (TVr { tvrIdent = j, tvrType = x }) y) | not (j `member` (freeVars y :: IdSet)) = isAtomic x && isAtomic y whnfOrBot ELam {} = True whnfOrBot e | isAtomic e = True whnfOrBot e | (EVar v,xs) <- fromAp e, Just (Arity n True) <- Info.lookup (tvrInfo v), length xs >= n = True whnfOrBot _ = False -- Determine if a type represents an unboxed value isUnboxed :: E -> Bool isUnboxed e@EPi {} = False isUnboxed e = getType e == eHash safeToDup ec@ECase {} | EVar _ <- eCaseScrutinee ec = all safeToDup (caseBodies ec) | EPrim p _ _ <- eCaseScrutinee ec, aprimIsCheap p = all safeToDup (caseBodies ec) safeToDup (EPrim p _ _) = aprimIsCheap p safeToDup e = whnfOrBot e || isELam e || isEPi e tBoolzh = ELit litCons { litName = tc_Boolzh, litType = eHash, litAliasFor = Just tEnumzh } lFalsezh = (LitInt 0 tBoolzh) lTruezh = (LitInt 1 tBoolzh) eToPat e = f e where f (ELit LitCons { litAliasFor = af, litName = x, litArgs = ts, litType = t }) = do ts <- mapM cv ts return litCons { litAliasFor = af, litName = x, litArgs = ts, litType = t } f (ELit (LitInt e t)) = return (LitInt e t) f (EPi (TVr { tvrType = a}) b) = do a <- cv a b <- cv b return litCons { litName = tc_Arrow, litArgs = [a,b], litType = eStar } f x = fail $ "E.Values.eToPat: " ++ show x cv (EVar v) = return v cv e = fail $ " " ++ show e patToE p = f p where f LitCons { litName = arr, litArgs = [a,b], litType = t} | t == eStar = return $ EPi tvr { tvrType = EVar a } (EVar b) f (LitCons { litAliasFor = af, litName = x, litArgs = ts, litType = t }) = do return $ ELit litCons { litAliasFor = af, litName = x, litArgs = map EVar ts, litType = t } f (LitInt e t) = return $ ELit (LitInt e t)