module Grin.Interpret(evaluate) where import StringTable.Atom import Support.CanType import Char import CharIO import Control.Monad.Identity import C.Prims import Data.IORef import Data.Map as Map hiding(map) import Data.Monoid import Doc.DocLike import Doc.Pretty import GenUtil hiding(putErrLn,putErr) import Grin.Grin import Grin.Show import Name.VConsts import Options import qualified FlagDump as FD import qualified Stats type Builtin = [Val] -> IO Val builtins = [] builtinMap = Map.fromList [ (x,y) | (x,y) <- builtins ] createCafMap as = f vars [] >>= return . Map.fromList where f [] xs = return xs f ((x,y):xs) ys = newIORef y >>= \y -> f xs ((x,Addr y):ys) vars = as evaluate :: Grin -> IO (Val,Stats.Stats) evaluate Grin { grinTypeEnv = tyEnv, grinFunctions = ts, grinCafs = cafs } = do stats <- cafMap <- createCafMap cafs let f x = interpret stats tyEnv cafMap builtinMap (fromList ts) x g (App t [l@Lit {}] _) | t == funcEval = return l g (App t [Const n] _) | t == funcEval = return n g e = f e >>= \x -> case x of NodeC t xs -> do xs <- mapM (g . gEval) xs return $ NodeC t xs z -> return z v <- g (App funcMain [] tyUnit) return (v,stats) funcCalls = toAtom "Function Calls" primCalls = toAtom "Primitive Calls" prettyEnv env = vcat [ text ('v':show x) <+> text "->" <+> prettyVal y | (V x,y) <- Map.toList env ] interpret :: Stats.Stats -> TyEnv -> Map Var Val -> Map Atom Builtin -> Map Atom Lam -> Exp -> IO Val interpret stats te cafMap primMap scMap e = f mempty e where f :: Map Var Val -> Exp -> IO Val f env (e1 :>>= (v :-> e2)) = do r <- f env e1 be <- bind v r f (be `mappend` env) e2 f env (App a xs ty) = do wdump FD.Steps $ do putErrLn $ render (prettyExp mempty $ App a xs' ty) Stats.tick stats funcCalls Stats.tick stats (toAtom $ "Function." ++ fromAtom a) case Map.lookup a scMap of Nothing -> error $ "Unknown App: " ++ show (App a xs' ty) Just ((Tup as :-> e)) -> f (Map.fromList (zip [ v | Var v _ <- as] xs')) e where xs' = map (le env) xs f env (Prim Primitive { primAPrim = APrim CCast {} _, primType = (_,t)} [x]) = return $ (Lit n t) where (Lit n _) = le env x f env (Prim Primitive { primAPrim = APrim Func { funcName = "putwchar" } _} [x]) = putChar (chr $ fromIntegral n) >> return unit where (Lit n _) = le env x f env (Prim Primitive { primAPrim = APrim Operator { primOp = "<=" } _, primType = (_,t)} [x,y]) = if x' <= y' then return (Lit 1 t) else return (Lit 0 t) where (Lit x' _) = le env x (Lit y' _) = le env y f env (Prim Primitive { primAPrim = APrim Operator { primOp = ">=" } _, primType = (_,t)} [x,y]) = if x' >= y' then return (Lit 1 t) else return (Lit 0 t) where (Lit x' _) = le env x (Lit y' _) = le env y f env (Prim Primitive { primAPrim = APrim Operator { primOp = ">" } _, primType = (_,t)} [x,y]) = if x' > y' then return (Lit 1 t) else return (Lit 0 t) where (Lit x' _) = le env x (Lit y' _) = le env y f env (Prim Primitive { primAPrim = APrim Operator { primOp = "<" } _, primType = (_,t)} [x,y]) = if x' < y' then return (Lit 1 t) else return (Lit 0 t) where (Lit x' _) = le env x (Lit y' _) = le env y f env (Prim Primitive { primAPrim = APrim Operator { primOp = "==" } _, primType = (_,t)} [x,y]) = if x' == y' then return (Lit 1 t) else return (Lit 0 t) where (Lit x' _) = le env x (Lit y' _) = le env y f env (Prim Primitive { primAPrim = APrim Operator { primOp = "+" } _, primType = (_,t)} [x,y]) = return (Lit (x' + y') t) where (Lit x' _) = le env x (Lit y' _) = le env y f env (Prim Primitive { primAPrim = APrim Operator { primOp = "/" } _, primType = (_,t)} [x,y]) = return (Lit (x' `div` y') t) where (Lit x' _) = le env x (Lit y' _) = le env y f env (Prim Primitive { primAPrim = APrim Operator { primOp = "%" } _, primType = (_,t)} [x,y]) = return (Lit (x' `mod` y') t) where (Lit x' _) = le env x (Lit y' _) = le env y f env (Prim Primitive { primAPrim = APrim Operator { primOp = "-" } _, primType = (_,t)} [x,y]) = return (Lit (x' - y') t) where (Lit x' _) = le env x (Lit y' _) = le env y f env (Prim Primitive { primAPrim = APrim Operator { primOp = "*" } _, primType = (_,t)} [x,y]) = return (Lit (x' * y') t) where (Lit x' _) = le env x (Lit y' _) = le env y f env (Prim Primitive { primAPrim = APrim Operator { primOp = "-" } _, primType = (_,t)} [x]) = return (Lit (negate x') t) where (Lit x' _) = le env x f env (Prim p xs) = do let a = primName p xs' = map (le env) xs wdump FD.Steps $ do putErrLn $ render (prettyExp mempty $ Prim p xs') Stats.tick stats primCalls Stats.tick stats (toAtom $ "Primitive." ++ fromAtom a) case Map.lookup a primMap of Nothing -> error $ "Unknown Primitive: " ++ show (Prim p xs') Just action -> do action xs' f env (Return v) = return (le env v) f env (Store v) = do Stats.tick stats (toAtom "Allocations Performed") fmap Addr $ newIORef (le env v) f env (Fetch x) | (Addr x) <- le env x = readIORef x | (Const x) <- le env x = return x f env (Update x v) | (Addr x) <- le env x = do Stats.tick stats (toAtom "Updates Performed") (writeIORef x $! (le env v)) >> return unit f env (Update x v) | (Const x) <- le env x, x == le env v = return unit f env (Update x v) = fail $ "Bad update: " ++ show (le env x,le env v) f env (Error s t) = fail $ render $ tshow (s,t) <$> (prettyEnv env) -- f env (Eval x) -- | otherwise = f env $ App funcEval [x] -- | Const x <- lx = doEval x -- | (Addr ref) <- lx = do -- v <- readIORef ref -- nv <- doEval v -- writeIORef ref nv -- return nv -- where -- lx = le env x -- f env (Apply x y) -- | True = f env $ App funcApply [x,y] -- | False = doApply (le env x) (le env y) f env (Case v ps) = match (le env v) ps where match s ((p :-> e):ps) = case bind p s of Nothing -> match s ps Just env' -> f (env' `mappend` env) e match e [] = fail $ "end of match: " ++ show e <+> show env f env z = fail $ "cannot interpret: " ++ show (toList env,z) le env (Tup vs) = Tup (map (le env) vs) le env (NodeC t vs) = NodeC t (map (le env) vs) le env z@(NodeV t vs) = NodeC (lt t) (map (le env) vs) where lt x = case Map.lookup x env of Just (Tag t) -> t z' -> error $ "Invalid tag variable in NodeV: " ++ show (z,z') le env z@(Var v _) = case Map.lookup v env `mplus` Map.lookup v cafMap of Just x -> le env x Nothing -> error $ "le" ++ show (z,env) le _ x = x doApply (NodeC t xs) y | n == (1::Int) = f mempty (App (toAtom $ 'f':rs) (xs ++ [y]) TyNode) -- TODO, right? | n > 1 = return $ NodeC (toAtom $ 'P':show (n - 1) ++ "_" ++ rs) (xs ++ [y]) where ('P':cs) = fromAtom t (n','_':rs) = span isDigit cs n = read n' doApply x y = error $ "doApply " ++ show (x,y) doEval x@(NodeC t xs) | 'P':_ <- t' = return x | 'T':_ <- t' = return x | 'C':_ <- t' = return x | 'F':rs <- t' = f mempty (App (toAtom $ 'f':rs) xs TyNode) -- TODO, right? | 'B':rs <- t' = f mempty (App (toAtom $ 'b':rs) xs TyNode) -- TODO, right? where t' = fromAtom t doEval x = error $ "doEval " ++ show x bind :: Monad m => Val -> Val -> m (Map Var Val) bind (Var (V 0) _) _ = return mempty bind (Var v _) r = return $ singleton v r bind (Lit i _) (Lit i' _) | i == i' = return mempty bind (Tup xs) (Tup ys) = liftM mconcat $ sequence $ zipWith bind xs ys bind (Tag i) (Tag i') | i == i' = return mempty bind (NodeV v vs) (NodeC t vs') = do be <- liftM mconcat $ sequence $ zipWith bind vs vs' return (be `mappend` singleton v (Tag t)) bind (NodeC t vs) (NodeC t' vs') | t == t' = do liftM mconcat $ sequence $ zipWith bind vs vs' bind v r | getType v == getType r = fail $ "unbindable: " ++ show (v,r,getType v,getType r) -- check type to be sure bind x y = error $ "bad bind: " ++ show (x,y)