module Ho.Build ( module Ho.Type, dumpHoFile, compileModules, doDependency, buildLibrary ) where import Codec.Compression.GZip import Control.Monad.Identity import Control.Concurrent import Data.Binary import Data.Char import Data.Monoid import Data.IORef import Data.Tree import Data.List hiding(union) import Maybe import Monad import Text.Printf import Prelude hiding(print,putStrLn) import System.IO hiding(print,putStrLn) import System.Posix.Files import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ as PPrint import PackedString(packString) import CharIO import DataConstructors import Directory import Doc.DocLike import Doc.PPrint import Doc.Pretty import E.E import E.Rules import E.Show import E.Traverse(emapE) import E.TypeCheck() import FrontEnd.Class import FrontEnd.HsParser import FrontEnd.Infix import FrontEnd.ParseMonad import FrontEnd.Syn.Options import FrontEnd.Unlit import FrontEnd.Warning import FrontEnd.SrcLoc import RawFiles(prelude_m4) import Ho.Binary() import Ho.Library import Ho.Collected() import Ho.Type import FrontEnd.HsSyn import Options import Support.CFF import Util.FilterInput import Util.Gen hiding(putErrLn,putErr,putErrDie) import Util.SetLike import Version.Version(versionString) import Version.Config(revision) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS import qualified FlagDump as FD import qualified FlagOpts as FO import qualified Util.Graph as G import qualified Support.MD5 as MD5 import qualified UTF8 -- -- Ho File Format -- -- ho files are standard CFF format files (PNG-like) as described in the Support.CFF modules. -- -- the CFF magic for the files is the string "JHC" -- -- JHDR - header info, contains a list of modules contained and dependencies that need to be checked to read the file -- LIBR - only present if this is a library, contains library metainfo -- IDEP - immutable import information -- RDRT - redirect to another file for systems without symlinks -- DEFS - definitions and exports for modules, all that is needed for name resolution -- TCIN - type checking information -- CORE - compiled core and associated data -- GRIN - compiled grin code -- -- cff_magic = chunkType "JHC" cff_rdrt = chunkType "RDRT" cff_jhdr = chunkType "JHDR" cff_core = chunkType "CORE" cff_defs = chunkType "DEFS" cff_idep = chunkType "IDEP" shortenPath :: String -> IO String shortenPath x@('/':_) = do cd <- getCurrentDirectory pwd <- lookupEnv "PWD" h <- lookupEnv "HOME" let f d = do d <- d '/':rest <- getPrefix d x return rest return $ fromJust $ f (return cd) `mplus` f pwd `mplus` liftM ("~/" ++) (f h) `mplus` return x shortenPath x = return x instance DocLike d => PPrint d MD5.Hash where pprintPrec _ h = tshow h findFirstFile :: String -> [(FilePath,a)] -> IO (LBS.ByteString,FilePath,a) findFirstFile err [] = FrontEnd.Warning.err "missing-dep" ("Module not found: " ++ err) >> fail ("Module not found: " ++ err) -- return (error "findFirstFile not found","",undefined) findFirstFile err ((x,a):xs) = flip catch (\e -> findFirstFile err xs) $ do bs <- LBS.readFile x return (bs,x,a) data ModDone = ModNotFound | ModLibrary String HoHash | Found SourceCode data Done = Done { knownSourceMap :: Map.Map SourceHash (Module,[Module]), hosEncountered :: Map.Map HoHash (FilePath,HoHeader,Ho), modEncountered :: Map.Map Module ModDone } {-! derive: Monoid, update !-} fileOrModule f = case reverse f of ('s':'h':'.':_) -> Right f ('s':'h':'l':'.':_) -> Right f _ -> Left $ Module f {-# NOINLINE doDependency #-} doDependency :: [String] -> IO () doDependency as = do done_ref <- newIORef mempty; let f (Right f) = fetchSource done_ref [f] Nothing >> return () f (Left m) = resolveDeps done_ref m mapM_ (f . fileOrModule) as sm <- knownSourceMap `fmap` readIORef done_ref mapM_ print $ melems sm replaceSuffix suffix fp = reverse (dropWhile ('.' /=) (reverse fp)) ++ suffix hoFile :: FilePath -> Maybe Module -> SourceHash -> FilePath hoFile fp mm sh = case optHoDir options of Nothing -> replaceSuffix "ho" fp Just hdir -> case mm of Nothing -> hdir ++ "/" ++ show sh ++ ".ho" Just m -> hdir ++ "/" ++ map ft (show m) ++ ".ho" where ft '/' = '.' ft x = x findHoFile :: IORef Done -> FilePath -> Maybe Module -> SourceHash -> IO (Bool,FilePath) findHoFile done_ref fp mm sh = do done <- readIORef done_ref let honame = hoFile fp mm sh if sh `Map.member` knownSourceMap done || optIgnoreHo options then return (False,honame) else do onErr (return (False,honame)) (readHoFile honame) $ \ (hoh,hidep,ho) -> do case hohHash hoh `Map.lookup` hosEncountered done of Just (fn,_,_a) -> return (True,fn) Nothing -> do modifyIORef done_ref (knownSourceMap_u $ mappend (hoIDeps hidep)) modifyIORef done_ref (hosEncountered_u $ Map.insert (hohHash hoh) (honame,hoh,ho)) return (True,honame) onErr :: IO a -> IO b -> (b -> IO a) -> IO a onErr err good cont = catch (good >>= \c -> return (cont c)) (\_ -> return err) >>= id fetchSource :: IORef Done -> [FilePath] -> Maybe Module -> IO Module fetchSource _ [] _ = fail "No files to load" fetchSource done_ref fs mm = do let mod = maybe (head fs) show mm killMod = case mm of Nothing -> fail $ "Could not load file: " ++ show fs Just m -> modifyIORef done_ref (modEncountered_u $ Map.insert m ModNotFound) >> return m onErr killMod (findFirstFile mod [ (f,undefined) | f <- fs]) $ \ (lbs,fn,_) -> do let hash = MD5.md5lazy lbs (foundho,mho) <- findHoFile done_ref fn mm hash done <- readIORef done_ref (mod,m,ds) <- case mlookup hash (knownSourceMap done) of Just (m,ds) -> do return (Left lbs,m,ds) Nothing -> do hmod <- parseHsSource fn lbs let m = hsModuleName hmod ds = hsModuleRequires hmod writeIORef done_ref (knownSourceMap_u (Map.insert hash (m,ds)) done) return (Right hmod,m,ds) case mm of Just m' | m /= m' -> do putErrLn $ "Skipping file" <+> fn <+> "because it's module declaration of" <+> show m <+> "does not equal the expected" <+> show m' killMod _ -> do let sc (Right mod) = SourceParsed hash ds mod fn mho sc (Left lbs) = SourceRaw hash ds m lbs fn mho modifyIORef done_ref (modEncountered_u $ Map.insert m (Found (sc mod))) fn' <- shortenPath fn mho' <- shortenPath mho case foundho of False -> putVerboseLn $ printf "%-23s [%s]" (show m) fn' True -> putVerboseLn $ printf "%-23s [%s] <%s>" (show m) fn' mho' mapM_ (resolveDeps done_ref) ds return m resolveDeps :: IORef Done -> Module -> IO () resolveDeps done_ref m = do done <- readIORef done_ref if isJust $ m `mlookup` modEncountered done then return () else do fetchSource done_ref (map fst $ searchPaths (show m)) (Just m) return () data SourceCode = SourceParsed { sourceHash :: SourceHash, sourceDeps :: [Module] , sourceModule :: HsModule, sourceFP :: FilePath, sourceHoName :: FilePath } | SourceRaw { sourceHash :: SourceHash, sourceDeps :: [Module] , sourceModName :: Module, sourceLBS :: LBS.ByteString, sourceFP :: FilePath, sourceHoName :: FilePath } sourceIdent SourceParsed { sourceModule = m } = show $ hsModuleName m sourceIdent SourceRaw { sourceModName = fp } = show fp data CompUnit = CompHo (Maybe String) HoHeader Ho | CompSources [SourceCode] | CompPhony | CompCollected CollectedHo CompUnit class ProvidesModules a where providesModules :: a -> [Module] providesModules _ = [] instance ProvidesModules HoHeader where providesModules hoh = fsts $ hohDepends hoh instance ProvidesModules CompUnit where providesModules (CompHo _ hoh _) = providesModules hoh providesModules (CompSources ss) = concatMap providesModules ss providesModules CompPhony = [] providesModules (CompCollected _ cu) = providesModules cu instance ProvidesModules SourceCode where providesModules SourceParsed { sourceModule = mod } = [hsModuleName mod] providesModules SourceRaw { sourceModName = n } = [n] type CompUnitGraph = [(HoHash,([HoHash],CompUnit))] showCUnit (hash,(deps,cu)) = printf "%s : %s" (show hash) (show deps) ++ "\n" ++ f cu where f (CompHo (Just s) _ _) = s f (CompHo _ _ _) = "ho" f (CompSources ss) = show $ map sourceIdent ss -- | this walks the loaded modules and ho files, discarding out of -- date ho files and organizing modules into their binding groups. -- the result is an acyclic graph where the nodes are ho files, sets -- of mutually recursive modules, or libraries. -- there is a strict ordering of -- source >= ho >= library -- in terms of dependencies toCompUnitGraph :: Done -> [Module] -> IO CompUnitGraph toCompUnitGraph done roots = do let fs m = maybe (error $ "can't find deps for: " ++ show m) snd (Map.lookup m (knownSourceMap done)) gr = G.newGraph [ ((m,sourceHash sc),fs (sourceHash sc)) | (m,Found sc) <- Map.toList (modEncountered done)] (fst . fst) snd gr' = G.sccGroups gr lmods = Map.mapMaybe ( \ x -> case x of ModLibrary _ h -> Just h ; _ -> Nothing) (modEncountered done) phomap = Map.fromListWith (++) (concat [ [ (m,[hh]) | (m,_) <- hohDepends hoh ] | (hh,(_,hoh,_)) <- Map.toList (hosEncountered done)]) sources = Map.fromList [ (m,sourceHash sc) | (m,Found sc) <- Map.toList (modEncountered done)] when (dump FD.SccModules) $ do mapM_ (putErrLn . show) $ map (map $ fst . fst) gr' putErrLn $ drawForest (map (fmap (show . fst . fst)) (G.dff gr)) cug_ref <- newIORef [] hom_ref <- newIORef ( ((,) False) $ hosEncountered done) ms <- forM gr' $ \ns -> do r <- newIORef (Left ns) return [ (m,r) | ((m,_),_) <- ns ] let mods = Map.fromList (concat ms) let f m | Just h <- Map.lookup m lmods = hvalid h f m = do rr <- readIORef $ maybe (error $ "toCompUnitGraph: " ++ show m) id (Map.lookup m mods) case rr of Right hh -> return hh Left ns -> g ns g ms@(((m,_),ds):_) = do let amods = map (fst . fst) ms pm (join (Map.lookup m phomap)) $ do let deps = Set.toList $ Set.fromList (concat $ snds ms) `Set.difference` (Set.fromList amods) deps' <- snub `fmap` mapM f deps let mhash = MD5.md5String (concatMap (show . fst) ms ++ show deps') Map.lookup m mods >>= flip writeIORef (Right mhash) let cunit = CompSources $ map fs amods modifyIORef cug_ref ((mhash,(deps',cunit)):) return mhash pm :: [HoHash] -> IO HoHash -> IO HoHash pm [] els = els pm (h:hs) els = hvalid h `catch` (\_ -> pm hs els) hvalid h = do ll <- Map.lookup h `fmap` readIORef hom_ref case ll of Nothing -> fail "Don't know anything about this hash" Just (True,_) -> return h Just (False,af@(fp,hoh,ho)) -> do fp <- shortenPath fp let stale = map (show . fst) (hohDepends hoh) `intersect` optStale options good <- catch ( mapM_ cdep (hohDepends hoh) >> mapM_ hvalid (hohModDepends hoh) >> return True) (\_ -> return False) if good && null stale then do putVerboseLn $ printf "Fresh: <%s>" fp let lib = case ".ho" `isSuffixOf` fp of True -> Nothing False -> Just fp modifyIORef cug_ref ((h,(hohModDepends hoh,CompHo lib hoh ho)):) modifyIORef hom_ref (Map.insert h (True,af)) return h else do putVerboseLn $ if null stale then printf "Stale: <%s>" fp else printf "Stale: <%s> (forced)" fp modifyIORef hom_ref (Map.delete h) fail "don't know this file" cdep (_,hash) | hash == MD5.emptyHash = return () cdep (mod,hash) = case Map.lookup mod sources of Just hash' | hash == hash' -> return () _ -> fail "Can't verify module up to date" fs m = case Map.lookup m (modEncountered done) of Just (Found sc) -> sc _ -> error $ "fs: " ++ show m mapM_ f roots readIORef cug_ref compileModules :: [Either Module String] -- ^ Either a module or filename to find -> (CollectedHo -> Ho -> IO CollectedHo) -- ^ Process initial ho loaded from file -> (CollectedHo -> [HsModule] -> IO (CollectedHo,Ho)) -- ^ Process set of mutually recursive modules to produce final Ho -> IO CollectedHo -- ^ Final accumulated ho compileModules need ifunc func = do (needed,cug) <- loadModules (optHls options) need processCug cug >>= mkPhonyCompNode needed >>= compileCompNode ifunc func -- this takes a list of modules or files to load, and produces a compunit graph loadModules :: [String] -- ^ libraries to load -> [Either Module String] -- ^ a list of modules or filenames -> IO ([Module],CompUnitGraph) -- ^ the resulting acyclic graph of compilation units loadModules libs need = do done_ref <- newIORef mempty unless (null libs) $ putVerboseLn $ "Loading libraries:" <+> show libs forM_ (optHls options) $ \l -> do (n',fn) <- findLibrary l (hoh,_,ho) <- catch (readHoFile fn) $ \_ -> fail $ "Error loading library file: " ++ fn putVerboseLn $ printf "Library: %-15s <%s>" n' fn modifyIORef done_ref (hosEncountered_u $ Map.insert (hohHash hoh) (n',hoh,ho)) modifyIORef done_ref (modEncountered_u $ Map.union (Map.fromList [ (m,ModLibrary n' (hohHash hoh)) | m <- providesModules hoh])) ms1 <- forM (rights need) $ \fn -> do fetchSource done_ref [fn] Nothing forM_ (lefts need) $ resolveDeps done_ref processIOErrors done <- readIORef done_ref let needed = (ms1 ++ lefts need) cug <- toCompUnitGraph done needed return (needed,cug) data CompNode = CompNode HoHash [CompNode] (IORef CompUnit) processCug :: CompUnitGraph -> IO [CompNode] processCug cug = mdo let mmap = Map.fromList xs lup x = maybe (error $ "processCug: " ++ show x) id (Map.lookup x mmap) f (h,(ds,cu)) = do cur <- newIORef cu return $ (h,CompNode h (map lup ds) cur) xs <- mapM f cug return $ snds xs mkPhonyCompNode :: [Module] -> [CompNode] -> IO CompNode mkPhonyCompNode need cs = do xs <- forM cs $ \cn@(CompNode _ _ cu) -> readIORef cu >>= \u -> return $ if null $ providesModules u `intersect` need then [] else [cn] let hash = MD5.md5String $ show [ h | CompNode h _ _ <- concat xs ] CompNode hash (concat xs) `fmap` newIORef CompPhony compileCompNode :: (CollectedHo -> Ho -> IO CollectedHo) -- ^ Process initial ho loaded from file -> (CollectedHo -> [HsModule] -> IO (CollectedHo,Ho)) -- ^ Process set of mutually recursive modules to produce final Ho -> CompNode -> IO CollectedHo compileCompNode ifunc func cn = do ns <- countNodes cn cur <- newMVar (1::Int) f (Set.size ns) cur cn where countNodes (CompNode hh deps ref) = readIORef ref >>= \cn -> case cn of CompCollected _ _ -> return Set.empty CompPhony -> mconcat `fmap` mapM countNodes deps CompHo _ hoh _ -> do ds <- mconcat `fmap` mapM countNodes deps return $ ds `Set.union` Set.fromList (map (show.fst) (hohDepends hoh)) CompSources sc -> do ds <- mconcat `fmap` mapM countNodes deps return $ ds `Set.union` Set.fromList (map sourceIdent sc) tickProgress cur = modifyMVar cur $ \val -> return (val+1,val) showProgress maxModules cur ms = forM_ ms $ \modName -> do curModule <- tickProgress cur let l = ceiling (logBase 10 (fromIntegral maxModules+1) :: Double) :: Int printf "[%*d of %*d] %s\n" l curModule l maxModules (show $ hsModuleName modName) f n cur (CompNode hh deps ref) = readIORef ref >>= \cn -> case cn of CompCollected ch _ -> return ch CompPhony -> do xs <- mconcat `fmap` mapM (f n cur) deps writeIORef ref (CompCollected xs CompPhony) return xs CompHo _ hoh ho -> do cho <- mconcat `fmap` mapM (f n cur) deps forM_ (hohDepends hoh) $ \_ -> tickProgress cur cho <- ifunc cho ho writeIORef ref (CompCollected cho cn) return cho CompSources sc -> do let hdep = [ h | CompNode h _ _ <- deps] cho <- mconcat `fmap` mapM (f n cur) deps modules <- forM sc $ \x -> case x of SourceParsed { sourceHash = h,sourceModule = mod } -> return (h,mod) SourceRaw { sourceHash = h,sourceLBS = lbs, sourceFP = fp } -> do mod <- parseHsSource fp lbs return (h,mod) showProgress n cur (snds modules) (cho',newHo) <- func cho (snds modules) let hoh = HoHeader { hohDepends = [ (hsModuleName mod,h) | (h,mod) <- modules], hohModDepends = hdep, hohHash = hh, hohMetaInfo = [] } idep = HoIDeps $ Map.fromList [ (h,(hsModuleName mod,hsModuleRequires mod)) | (h,mod) <- modules] recordHoFile newHo idep (map sourceHoName sc) hoh writeIORef ref (CompCollected cho' (CompHo Nothing hoh newHo)) return cho' findModule :: [Either Module String] -- ^ Either a module or filename to find -> (CollectedHo -> Ho -> IO CollectedHo) -- ^ Process initial ho loaded from file -> (CollectedHo -> [HsModule] -> IO (CollectedHo,Ho)) -- ^ Process set of mutually recursive modules to produce final Ho -> IO (CollectedHo,[(Module,MD5.Hash)],Ho) -- ^ (Final accumulated ho,just the ho read to satisfy this command) findModule need ifunc func = do (needed,cug) <- loadModules (optHls options) need cnodes <- processCug cug rnode <- mkPhonyCompNode needed cnodes cho <- compileCompNode ifunc func rnode return (cho,undefined,undefined) -- Read in a Ho file. readHoFile :: FilePath -> IO (HoHeader,HoIDeps,Ho) readHoFile fn = do bs <- BS.readFile fn (ct,mp) <- bsCFF bs True <- return $ ct == cff_magic let fc ct = case lookup ct mp of Nothing -> error $ "No chunk '" ++ show ct ++ "' found in file " ++ fn Just x -> decode . decompress $ L.fromChunks [x] return (fc cff_jhdr,fc cff_idep,mempty { hoExp = fc cff_defs, hoBuild = fc cff_core}) recordHoFile :: Ho -- ^ File to record -> HoIDeps -> [FilePath] -- ^ files to write to -> HoHeader -- ^ file header -> IO () recordHoFile ho idep fs header = do if optNoWriteHo options then do wdump FD.Progress $ do fs' <- mapM shortenPath fs putErrLn $ "Skipping Writing Ho Files: " ++ show fs' else do let removeLink' fn = catch (removeLink fn) (\_ -> return ()) let g (fn:fs) = do f fn mapM_ (l fn) fs return () g [] = error "Ho.g: shouldn't happen" l fn fn' = do wdump FD.Progress $ do fn_ <- shortenPath fn fn_' <- shortenPath fn' when (optNoWriteHo options) $ putErr "Skipping " putErrLn $ "Linking haskell object file:" <+> fn_' <+> "to" <+> fn_ if optNoWriteHo options then return () else do let tfn = fn' ++ ".tmp" removeLink' tfn createLink fn tfn rename tfn fn' f fn = do wdump FD.Progress $ do when (optNoWriteHo options) $ putErr "Skipping " fn' <- shortenPath fn putErrLn $ "Writing haskell object file:" <+> fn' if optNoWriteHo options then return () else do let tfn = fn ++ ".tmp" let theho = mapHoBodies eraseE ho cfflbs = mkCFFfile cff_magic [ (cff_jhdr, compress $ encode header), (cff_idep, compress $ encode idep), (cff_defs, compress $ encode $ hoExp theho), (cff_core, compress $ encode $ hoBuild theho)] LBS.writeFile tfn cfflbs rename tfn fn g fs hsModuleRequires x = Module "Jhc.Prim":ans where noPrelude = or $ not (optPrelude options):[ opt == c | opt <- hsModuleOptions x, c <- ["-N","--noprelude"]] ans = snub $ (if noPrelude then id else (Module "Prelude":)) [ hsImportDeclModule y | y <- hsModuleImports x] searchPaths :: String -> [(String,String)] searchPaths m = ans where f m | (xs,'.':ys) <- span (/= '.') m = let n = (xs ++ "/" ++ ys) in m:f n | otherwise = [m] ans = [ (root ++ suf,root ++ ".ho") | i <- optIncdirs options, n <- f m, suf <- [".hs",".lhs"], let root = i ++ "/" ++ n] m4Prelude :: IO FilePath m4Prelude = writeFile "/tmp/jhc_prelude.m4" prelude_m4 >> return "/tmp/jhc_prelude.m4" langmap = [ "m4" ==> "m4", "cpp" ==> "cpp", "foreignfunctioninterface" ==> "ffi", "noimplicitprelude" ==> "--noprelude", "unboxedtuples" ==> "unboxed-tuples" ] where x ==> y = (x,if head y == '-' then y else "-f" ++ y) parseHsSource :: String -> LBS.ByteString -> IO HsModule parseHsSource fn lbs = do let txt = UTF8.fromUTF $ LBS.unpack lbs let f s = opt where Just opt = fileOptions opts `mplus` Just options popts = parseOptions $ if "shl." `isPrefixOf` reverse fn then unlit fn s else s opts' = concat [ words as | (x,as) <- popts, x `elem` ["OPTIONS","JHC_OPTIONS","OPTIONS_JHC"]] opts = opts' ++ [ "--noprelude" | ("NOPRELUDE",_) <- popts] ++ langs langs = catMaybes $ map (flip lookup langmap) $ concat [ words (map (\c -> if c == ',' then ' ' else toLower c) as) | ("LANGUAGE",as) <- popts ] let fopts s = s `member` optFOptsSet initialOpts initialOpts = f (take 4096 txt) incFlags = [ "-I" ++ d | d <- optIncdirs options ++ optIncs initialOpts] defFlags = ("-D__JHC__=" ++ revision):[ "-D" ++ d | d <- optDefs initialOpts] s <- case () of _ | fopts FO.Cpp -> readSystem "cpp" $ ["-CC","-traditional"] ++ incFlags ++ defFlags ++ [fn] | fopts FO.M4 -> do m4p <- m4Prelude readSystem "m4" $ ["-s", "-P"] ++ incFlags ++ defFlags ++ [m4p,fn] | otherwise -> return txt let s' = if "shl." `isPrefixOf` reverse fn then unlit fn s'' else s'' s'' = case s of '#':' ':_ -> '\n':s -- line pragma '#':'l':'i':'n':'e':' ':_ -> '\n':s -- line pragma '#':'!':_ -> dropWhile (/= '\n') s -- hashbang _ -> s wdump FD.Preprocessed $ do putStrLn s' case runParserWithMode (parseModeOptions $ f s) { parseFilename = fn } parse s' of ParseOk ws e -> processErrors ws >> return e ParseFailed sl err -> putErrDie $ show sl ++ ": " ++ err mapHoBodies :: (E -> E) -> Ho -> Ho mapHoBodies sm ho = ho { hoBuild = g (hoBuild ho) } where g ho = ho { hoEs = map f (hoEs ho) , hoRules = runIdentity (E.Rules.mapBodies (return . sm) (hoRules ho)) } f (t,e) = (t,sm e) eraseE :: E -> E eraseE e = runIdentity $ f e where f (EVar tv) = return $ EVar tvr { tvrIdent = tvrIdent tv } f e = emapE f e --------------------------------- -- library specific routines --------------------------------- buildLibrary :: (CollectedHo -> Ho -> IO CollectedHo) -> (CollectedHo -> [HsModule] -> IO (CollectedHo,Ho)) -> FilePath -> IO () buildLibrary ifunc func = ans where ans fp = do (desc,name,hmods,emods) <- parse fp let allmods = sort (emods ++ hmods) (needed,cug) <- loadModules (optHls options) (map Left allmods) rnode@(CompNode lhash _ _) <- processCug cug >>= mkPhonyCompNode needed compileCompNode ifunc func rnode (prvds,ho,ldeps) <- let f (CompNode hs cd ref) = do deps <- mconcat `fmap` mapM f cd d <- readIORef ref >>= hunit hs return $ d `mappend` deps hunit hs x = case x of CompHo (Just s) _ _ -> return (mempty,mempty,Map.singleton hs s) CompHo Nothing hoh ho -> return (Set.fromList $ providesModules hoh,Map.singleton hs ho,mempty) CompCollected _ u -> hunit hs u CompPhony -> return mempty in f rnode --(cho,libDeps,ho) <- findModule (map Left (emods ++ hmods)) ifunc func let unknownMods = Set.toList $ Set.filter (`notElem` allmods) prvds mapM_ ((putStrLn . ("*** Module included in library that is not in export list: " ++)) . show) unknownMods let outName = case optOutName options of "hs.out" -> name ++ ".hl" fn -> fn let pdesc = [(n, packString v) | (n,v) <- ("jhc-hl-filename",outName):("jhc-description-file",fp):("jhc-compiled-by",versionString):desc, n /= "exposed-modules" ] let hoh = HoHeader { hohHash = lhash, hohDepends = [ (m,MD5.emptyHash) | m <- Set.toList prvds ], hohModDepends = Map.keys ldeps, hohMetaInfo = pdesc } recordHoFile (mconcat $ Map.elems ho) (HoIDeps Map.empty) [outName] hoh -- parse library description file parse fp = do putVerboseLn $ "Creating library from description file: " ++ show fp desc <- readDescFile fp when verbose2 $ mapM_ print desc let field x = lookup x desc jfield x = maybe (fail $ "createLibrary: description lacks required field " ++ show x) return $ field x mfield x = maybe [] (words . map (\c -> if c == ',' then ' ' else c)) $ field x name <- jfield "name" vers <- jfield "version" let hmods = map Module $ snub $ mfield "hidden-modules" emods = map Module $ snub $ mfield "exposed-modules" return (desc,name ++ "-" ++ vers,hmods,emods) ------------------------------------ -- dumping contents of a ho file ------------------------------------ instance DocLike d => PPrint d SrcLoc where pprint sl = tshow sl vindent xs = vcat (map (" " ++) xs) {-# NOINLINE dumpHoFile #-} dumpHoFile :: String -> IO () dumpHoFile fn = do (hoh,idep,ho) <- readHoFile fn let hoB = hoBuild ho hoE = hoExp ho putStrLn fn putStrLn $ "HoHash:" <+> pprint (hohHash hoh) when (not $ Map.null (hoIDeps idep)) $ putStrLn $ "IDeps:\n" <> vindent (map pprint . Map.toList $ hoIDeps idep) when (not $ Prelude.null (hohDepends hoh)) $ putStrLn $ "Dependencies:\n" <> vindent (map pprint . sortUnder fst $ hohDepends hoh) when (not $ Prelude.null (hohModDepends hoh)) $ putStrLn $ "ModDependencies:\n" <> vindent (map pprint $ hohModDepends hoh) when (not $ Prelude.null (hohMetaInfo hoh)) $ putStrLn $ "MetaInfo:\n" <> vindent (sort [text (' ':' ':k) <> char ':' <+> show v | (k,v) <- hohMetaInfo hoh]) putStrLn $ "Modules contained:" <+> tshow (mkeys $ hoExports hoE) putStrLn $ "number of definitions:" <+> tshow (size $ hoDefs hoE) putStrLn $ "hoAssumps:" <+> tshow (size $ hoAssumps hoB) putStrLn $ "hoFixities:" <+> tshow (size $ hoFixities hoB) putStrLn $ "hoKinds:" <+> tshow (size $ hoKinds hoB) putStrLn $ "hoClassHierarchy:" <+> tshow (size $ hoClassHierarchy hoB) putStrLn $ "hoTypeSynonyms:" <+> tshow (size $ hoTypeSynonyms hoB) putStrLn $ "hoDataTable:" <+> tshow (size $ hoDataTable hoB) putStrLn $ "hoEs:" <+> tshow (size $ hoEs hoB) putStrLn $ "hoRules:" <+> tshow (size $ hoRules hoB) wdump FD.Exports $ do putStrLn "---- exports information ----"; CharIO.putStrLn $ (pprint $ hoExports hoE :: String) wdump FD.Defs $ do putStrLn "---- defs information ----"; CharIO.putStrLn $ (pprint $ hoDefs hoE :: String) when (dump FD.Kind) $ do putStrLn "---- kind information ----"; CharIO.putStrLn $ (pprint $ hoKinds hoB :: String) when (dump FD.ClassSummary) $ do putStrLn "---- class summary ---- " printClassSummary (hoClassHierarchy hoB) when (dump FD.Class) $ do {putStrLn "---- class hierarchy ---- "; printClassHierarchy (hoClassHierarchy hoB)} let rules = hoRules hoB wdump FD.Rules $ putStrLn " ---- user rules ---- " >> printRules RuleUser rules wdump FD.Rules $ putStrLn " ---- user catalysts ---- " >> printRules RuleCatalyst rules wdump FD.RulesSpec $ putStrLn " ---- specializations ---- " >> printRules RuleSpecialization rules wdump FD.Datatable $ do putStrLn " ---- data table ---- " putDocM CharIO.putStr (showDataTable (hoDataTable hoB)) putChar '\n' wdump FD.Types $ do putStrLn " ---- the types of identifiers ---- " putStrLn $ PPrint.render $ pprint (hoAssumps hoB) wdump FD.Core $ do putStrLn " ---- lambdacube ---- " mapM_ (\ (v,lc) -> putChar '\n' >> printCheckName'' (hoDataTable hoB) v lc) (hoEs hoB) where printCheckName'' :: DataTable -> TVr -> E -> IO () printCheckName'' _dataTable tvr e = do when (dump FD.EInfo || verbose2) $ putStrLn (show $ tvrInfo tvr) putStrLn (render $ hang 4 (pprint tvr <+> text "::" <+> pprint (tvrType tvr))) putStrLn (render $ hang 4 (pprint tvr <+> equals <+> pprint e))