parse error on where

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a 'where' should be able to end a do block when indented at the same level. here is a test case.

> configureFlagWithDefault :: String -> String -> String > -> C () -> (String -> C ()) -> C FranchiseFlag > configureFlagWithDefault n argname h defaultaction j = > do whenC amConfiguring $ addHook n defaultaction > return $ FF $ Option [] [n] (ReqArg (addHook n . j') argname) h > where j' v = do putV $ "handling configure flag --"++n++" "++v; j v


Id: 35cc6ddc1a577e163e9830b96f89151f0562c029
Type: bugfix
Creation time: 2009-08-29 23:01 GMT
Creator: John Meacham <john@...>
Release: unassigned
Component: fe
Status: closed: fixed fixed

Issue log

2010-07-28 10:04 GMT John Meacham <john@...> closed with disposition fixed
2009-08-29 23:01 GMT John Meacham <john@...> created