defaulting does not work

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defaulted types don't seem to be properly instantiated.


Id: aaaa53f275e24c9e2335d313c7a992a34bd38397
Type: bugfix
Creation time: 2009-03-27 09:01 GMT
Creator: John Meacham <john@...>
Release: unassigned
Component: tc
Status: closed: fixed fixed

Issue log

2010-07-28 10:04 GMT John Meacham <john@...> closed with disposition fixed
2009-03-27 10:20 GMT John Meacham <john@...> commented
this bug appears to actually be that when a type is defaulted, the instances the default type belong to arn't added to the context
2009-03-27 09:02 GMT John Meacham <john@...> created